Keynote Speakers
Professor Karin Wahl-Jorgensen

Karin Wahl-Jorgensen is currently serving as University Dean of Research Environment and Culture, Cardiff University. In this role, She is working on enhancing an inclusive, collaborative and creative research environment at Cardiff University.
As a researcher, she is focused on the relationship between citizenship, media and emotion - and how it is affected by rapid technological change and innovation. She has recently carried out extensive research on the experiences of local news entrepreneurs, including in the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, she is working on research projects on right-wing populist media and misinformation.
She has written five books; Emotions, Media and Politics (Polity Press, 2018), Digital Citizenship in a Datafied Society (Polity Press, 2018, co-authored with Arne Hintz and Lina Dencik), Disasters and the Media (Peter Lang, 2012; co-authored with Mervi Pantti and Simon Cottle), Journalists and the Public (Hampton Press, 2007) and Citizens or Consumers? (Open University Press, 2005; co-authored with Justin Lewis and Sanna Inthorn). She has edited an additional five books, including Handbook of Journalism Studies (Routledge, with Thomas Hanitzsch - second edition 2020, first edition 2009) and Mediated Citizenship (Routledge, 2007). I have published more than 100 journal articles and book chapters. I am also a frequent media commentator on topics relating to citizenship and the media, and have written extensively for The Conversation.
Forskar Eirik Solheim - konferansier festmiddag

Eirik Solheim er en internasjonalt ettertraktet formidler og foredragsholder i medie- og teknologibransjen. Han har 25 års erfaring som teknologirådgiver, medieprodusent og journalist i NRK.
I 2006 startet han den anerkjente utviklingsavdelingen NRKbeta. Solheim har hatt styreverv i NCE Media/Media City Bergen og vært konsulent i Accenture. Han er tilknyttet Høyskolen i Volda som forsker og er utdannet medieingeniør fra Universitetet i Stavanger. Solheim er kjent for en leken presentasjonsstil og holder foredrag om blant annet kunstig intelligens, internet of things, smarte hjem, droner og teknologitrender. Han kan også by på et velutviklet kurs i presentasjonsteknikk med fokus på å forklare komplekse tema på en pedagogisk måte. Dette kurset kan tilpasses lengde og format fra en 45 minutters kortversjon til et heldagskurs. En presentasjon blir aldri det samme!
Professor Rich Ling

Rich Ling, Ph.D. was the Shaw Foundation Chair at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore until retiring in 2021. He studies the social consequences of mobile communication, e.g., microcoordination, emergencies, and its use by women and small-scale entrepreneurs in Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, and Myanmar. Ling has written/edited 11 books and over 100 peer-reviewed papers/book chapters including New Tech, New Ties (2008), and Taken for grantedness (2012). He has edited the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication and coedited Mobile Media and Communication. He is a member of Det Norske Vitenskaps Akademi (The Norwegian Academy of Science and Arts) and an International Communication Association Fellow.