
ANFIG101 Figure drawing

1 semester
Bachelor (grunnivå)
2020 Haust
Emnenavn på engelsk: 
Figure drawing
2020 Haust
Norsk og engelsk
Krav til forkunnskapar

This program is made for the first year students and Erasmus students on Animation department, who do not need to have previous experience with life drawing to attend classes. It is taken in consideration that they have general skills/talent for drawing since they had to pass entrance exam for Animation department (or Erasmus students which had to pass entrance exam on the home university).

Om emnet

Through lectures and guidance, the course “Figure drawing 1” will provide an introduction to basic knowledge of human proportions, anatomy, movement and composition. “Figure drawing 1” has lectures in autumn semester, adapted for students with beginner level of drawing skills. After the course is passed, students have the opportunity to take “Figure drawing 2“, intermediate drawing level in a spring semester.


In accordance with the national qualification framework, the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes after completing the course:


The students will have:

  • Basic knowledge of drawing human body
  • Basic knowledge of proportions, movement and composition
  • Basic understanding and seeing body as simple geometrical shapes
  • Basic knowledge of using a new medium's possibilities for communication
  • Knowledge of theoretical topics about terms used in visual language

Students will have

  • obtained practical skills through drawing a real model (“Learning by Doing”)
  • a basic skill to draw and to express themselves through drawing
    • composition and proportions
    • linear construction
  • a basic skill in drawing techniques they can interpret visual experiences
  • developed the ability for practical problem solving.


Generell kompetanse

The students 

  • will master the basic concepts of art education, and the development of practical techniques
  • will be able to make drawings in strictly defined period of time in various stages of completion from linear construction to linear drawings
  • will have improved their drawing abilities that will help to incorporate acquired knowledge in animation
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåtar

The course is organized as practical exercises by drawing a life model, and theoretical part of basic knowledge of anatomy, proportions, movement and composition.

Lessons are presented in PowerPoint and videos which students will get in a form of a brochure or PowerPoint presentation/pdf. Basics start with learning about materials that will be used in figure drawing classes, terms which are important to communicate about problems in visual language, for example: what is coquis, symmetry vs asymmetry, composition, etc.

Further on, lectures will explain how to measure and observe the body, gender and age differences in proportion and bone structure, it’s visibility on the surface of the body, simplified body forms seen as geometrical objects, purpose of coquis, line of action in movement, torso and pelvis correlation in movement, and joint types. When students are drawing according the live model, approach to each student is individual due to different skill levels and the ability/speed at which they are progressing. Mentor will guide them through individual problem solving tasks by further explaining subjects that have been given as lectures. The main task in “Figure drawing 1” is to draw linear construction. The goal is to master the proportions of more complex forms and the ability to detect proportional relationship in a limited time of work. Understanding of linear structure is the basis before students can go on with more complex tasks.

Lectures will be held in Norwegian, and English for foreign students. Classes during the whole semester will be held up in the afternoons in a form of a block hour of 45-minute x 2, with 15-minute break in between, two times per week.

Vilkår for å framstille seg til eksamen

Students are obligated to attend 80% of classes to pass the subject.


Trygve Selnes Nielsen
Andres Mänd

Students need to have basic equipment, charcoal, kneaded eraser and fixative. Additionally, they will need ink, watercolour, or some other desired medium. Other necessary equipment is provided by school.

Emnet inngår i følgande studieprogram
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
1 semester
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Odd Ragnar Hunnes 21.03.20