
ANI211 Directing and Producing

2 semester
Bachelor (fordjupingsnivå)
2016 Haust
2017 Vår
Emnenavn på engelsk: 
Directing and Producing
Emnenavn på bokmål: 
Directing and Producing
2017 Vår
Krav til forkunnskapar

3 year of animation studies/180 ECTS

Om emnet

During the course the students shall direct and produce an animated short film. The students may work individually or in a group of 2-3 students. The students are supposed to include students from the BA animation course as animators and assistants on their film project, but the directing and producing students will keep full responsibility.The development of this film project may very well be combined with ANI210, Storytelling and Dramaturgy (15sp).




The students have extensive knowledge about:

- the whole production process of an animated short film – from script to screen, via idea and concept development, script writing, storyboarding, editing and sound design.

- the role of the producer and the director, their different responsibilities, and the relation between the two. 


The students are able to:

- produce and direct an animated short film

- lead and instruct a creative team, to inspire them and be able to communicate clearly an artistic and visual concept

- lead a small group of artists in the production of an animated short film

Generell kompetanse

The students are able to:

- understand the role of animation in media and entertainment industry and be a part of it

- collaborate with other people in creative projects

- communicate and work in an international environment

- lead a creative project and to understand the financial aspects of cultural projects

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåtar

The course is mainly a practical production course. The students will work individually or in pairs. Additional work may be done by undergraduate students under their supervision. Teachers will challenge and support the production development and arrange milestone events with screenings and feed-back.

Vilkår for å framstille seg til eksamen

Script/storyboard/production plan and budget for the film shall be presented no later than November 1st.  The project must be endorsed by the course leader before further work on the project can follow.

Evaluering og kvalitetssikring

The course will be evaluated in accordance with the University College’s routines for quality assurance.

Andres Mänd
Emnet inngår i følgande studieprogram
  • Animation Film Production
A-F, der A er best og E er siste ståkarakter
The following aspects should be included in the report:
- the background of the project.
- the idea, the message, the content, the attitudes of the film
- target audience
- the conflict/problem to be discussed. How was it defined and developed?
- the methods of work, both in the studio and outside. Any technical/practical problems? How were these problems treated?
- choice of genre, animation technique, use of effects, music, graphics etc
- ethical and rights/royalty issues involved
- deadline challenges?
- how was the work divided by the team? How did the collaboration work?
- main production experiences that will be taken into account for the next project

The production report should relate to the curriculum/reading list of directing and producing literature. Synopsis, script, storyboard, production plan and budget should be enclosed with the report. If music bound with royalties have been used a TONO/NCB form must be enclosed.

One grade is given for the film and production report judged together.
The student shall individually or with one or two fellow students have made an animated short film. There are no formal limits towards length or content, but the students shall through their work show skills and knowledge that is required to plan and produce such a film according to professional standards.
Munnleg justerande eksamen
A-F, der A er best og E er siste ståkarakter
An oral exam based on the film, the production report and the curriculum/reading list will adjust the final grading.
Together with the film the students shall write a production report (4000-5000 words) where the production process is discussed.