MGL5-10EN1B Engelsk 1B
English 1B for 5-10 provides a further introduction to English learning and English didactics in the continuation of subject 1A. The main focus on the role as an English teacher also continues; the subject gives more insight into and more opportunities to observe and reflect on the teacher's management of learning processes, and the teacher's thoughts on the choice of learning activities and working methods. In the first year, practice will be at the intermediate stage, and the subject also includes an introduction to what characterizes the pupils in this age group, and knowledge of their language development. The subject includes study of the English language system, with a focus on knowledge of the sound system in the English language. Differences between English and Norwegian are emphasized with reference, where relevant, to other languages in the Norwegian classroom. Development of one's own language skills is central, with particular emphasis on oral skills. In addition, the subject covers a wide selection of texts, films and other artistic expressions about the modern English-speaking world, including narrative forms aimed at children and young people.
I samsvar med det nasjonale kvalifikasjonsrammeverket har studenten følgjande læringsutbytte etter fullført emne:
The student
- have knowledge of how children and young people learn 2nd and 3rd languages, about language learning theories, methods and strategies
- has knowledge of mid-term and final assessment of children and young people's language learning
- has knowledge of a range of teaching aids and other resources, including digital resources, which can be used in training
- have knowledge of how language training can be adapted to individual learners
- has knowledge of multilingualism and variants of English as a resource in the classroom
- have knowledge of what characterizes different types of academic texts
- has knowledge of English linguistic structures, with an emphasis on the sound system and pronunciation, and of the differences and similarities between Norwegian and English in this area
- have knowledge of digital and other forms of storytelling and how they can motivate learning
- has knowledge of a selection of modern artistic expressions and different ways of telling stories
The student:
- can use English orally and in writing, confidently and independently, adapting to different target groups and situations
- can facilitate varied and differentiated learning work that promotes the development of knowledge and skills in all pupils, must further develop the basic skills
- can facilitate progression in the transition between the child and youth stages
- can use subject knowledge didactically and reflectively in relation to the current curriculum for primary school and critically assess own teaching
- can assess and use digital and other learning resources and tools
- can use interim and final assessment to guide students in their professional development
- can read, discuss and summarize the main points of a selection of academic texts
- can use knowledge of the English sound system to adjust their own language use, to facilitate the students' language learning and to guide the students' language use
- can analyze narrative styles and use precise terminology, and facilitate the students' work with artistic expression
- can create digital and/or other types of stories to promote learning
The student:
- can convey relevant subject matter and communicate in English in a way that is suitable for pupils in grades 5-10. rose
- can reflect on own learning and practice in the light of basic ethical values and the school's responsibility for the personal growth of children and young people
- can work independently and together with others to solve identified problems linked to students' learning and development in the English subject
- can maintain the same level and develop their own linguistic, cultural and didactic competence
- can read and understand academic texts to promote own learning
The forms of teaching alternate between plenary lectures, seminars, work in groups and individual work. In addition, we use a number of digital learning resources.
a. compulsory attendance at all organized learning activities
b. an oral digital submission linked to pronunciation
c. a knowledge test in phonetics
d. one written work on a given topic of 1,200 words. The work must be based on observations from practice and reflect on these in the light of knowledge from the curriculum literature
e. one written work in culture of 1200 words
The assignments must be delivered by the set deadline. The student gets one opportunity to improve assignments that do not meet the requirements. All work requirements must be approved for the student to be able to sit for the exam.
Sensur vert gjennomført i samsvar med Forskrift om opptak, studium og eksamen ved Høgskulen i Volda § 9-4.
- Grunnskulelærarutdanning, trinn 5-10 - master (5 år)
Vurderingsform | Gruppering | Varighet | Karakterskala | Andel | Kommentar | Hjelpemidler | Omfang |
Mappeeksamen | Individuell | A-F, der A er best og E er siste ståkarakter | 50 | Omfattar det skriftlege arbeidet på 1200 ord, det skriftlege arbeidet i kultur på 1200 ord og kunnskapsprøva i fonetikk (alle omarbeidde på grunnlag av tilbakemelding) | Alle | 2400 ord + kunnskapsprøva i fonetikk | |
Munnleg eksamen | Individuell | 25 minutt | A-F, der A er best og E er siste ståkarakter | 50 | Munnleg eksamen basert på mappa og på pensum. | Mappa |