ITS Volda 2022


Physically Active Learning and Outdoor Education

What:     An international conference for teacher training students
When:    April 25-26, 2022
Where:   Online-conference – Zoom


How can teachers use physical activity as a pedagogical tool to enhance learning? How can we take advantage of the outdoor as a classroom? Is physical activity in schools practiced differently between countries and what are the challenges teachers face when letting pupils be more active? 

Many governments have developed strateegies to increase physical activity among children and youth, and some pedagogical research points to the benefits of physical activity on learning, but has this had any impact on the day-to-day activities in schools and the way teachers plan their teaching? 

The ITS Volda 2022 conference will focus on the benefits and challenges of physically active learning and how this can be used as a conscious method to enhance learning. Our main focus is to compare and contrast traditions, ideas and values of conference participants from several European countries and to learn from each other. 

Physically active learning is here used to describe situations where students are not sitting still by their desks, but does not necessarily imply running or high-intensity activity.