ITS Volda Programme

Day 1 - Thursday April 3
09:30-10:00Orientations - meet and greet
10:00-11:00Theme #1: Introduction to the school systems in:

Austria - Silvia Baldassari, Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol
Brazil - tbd
Czechia - Viktorie Kovarova & Petra Sobanova, University of Ostrava
Finland - Joni Kuokkanen, Åbo Akademi University
Norway - Eivind Hanevik, Volda University College
11:00-11:15Cofee break
11:15-12:00Student group work #1
12:00-13:00Lunch break
Theme #2: Presentations
13:30-14:15Student group work #2
14:15Sum up and information for tomorrow
Day 2 - Friday April 4
09:45-10:00Information on day 2 of ITS Volda
10:00-10:50Theme #3: Presentations
Coffee break
Student group work #3
Lunch break
Theme #4:Presentations
13:00-14:15Student group work #4
Rounding up - summary and evaluation