Open lecture with Harald Hornmoen

Communication and journalism in risk and crises: key challenges

All staff and students are welcome to Dr. Hornmoens open guest lecture. Hornmoen is a professor at OsloMet, and has worked a lot with e.g. media coverage of the swine flu pandemic, inpact of social media during the attacks in Oslo/Utøya, and also on challenge of communicating climate change and climate science.

  1. Pandemic paranoia? Communicating health risks
  2. Social media use in crisis communication: Experiences with and lessons learned from the Norway attacks
  3. The challenge of communicating climate change and climate science

Relevant literature:
Hornmoen, H., Backholm, K., Frey, E., Ottosen, R., Reimerth, G., & Steensen, S. (2018). Key Communicators’ Perspectives on the Use of Social Media in Risks and Crises. In R. Anderson & P. L. de Silva (Eds.), Routledge Companion to Media and Humanitarian Action.
Nw York: Routledge. (pp: 439-449)

Hornmoen H. (2011). “Pandemisk paranoia?” En analyse av nyhetsomtalen av “svineinfluensaen” i norse aviser, Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, Årg. 52, nr. 1, pp.33-140

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