X2 Festivalen

X2Festivalen nettstad
2022-03-31T08:00:00 - 2022-04-03T23:59:00

X2 is a miniature festival spanning three days, packed with spectacular nature, competitions and concerts. The mountains will become our playground, and Volda / Ørsta will be our social arena.

Participating in the X2 Festival is perfect for those who enjoy the idea of combining freeriding and climbing peaks, with a fantastic social scene. In Sunnmøre, the alpine skiculture is a fundamental part of our identity. More than a thousand years ago, our ancestors worshipped a faith with close ties to the very peaks we still climb today. We wish to protect the untouched Norway for years and generations still to come. And what better way to preserve our magnificent nature and cultural heritage, than to show people across the world and let them partake in this epic event. Our alpine nature is an arena for recreation and meditation as well as extreme experiences.

The X2 Festival was put into motion by students at Volda University College around 15 years ago, and has since then seen a steady increase in the number of participants every year. As time has passed, we’re not only well known throughout the region, but on a national scale. The national media has taken more interest in the event as well as participants from all over Europe.

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