Never a dull moment

Tekst: Tor Mikalsen , Foto: Benjamin Avitsland

Volda University College is known for its lively academic and social environment.

Clubs and organizations

In Volda you will not lack opportunities to fill your spare time. The offers range from student organized hall sports to spectacular outdoor experiences, choir and our own symphony orchestra, in addition to a variation of opportunities in student media activities.

Pangaia and the international club

A unique office, a home away from home for many students, Pangaia is the perfect place to relax, make friends, sign up for activities, events and trips, or play games. Some of the organized activities are international nights, karaoke events, day tours and hiking in the area, movie nights etc.

Rokken Student House

The student house is known as the gathering place for all the students on campus. Apart from the cafeteria, which serves food at student prices, the concert hall hosts a series of social events such as concerts, open mic nights, live sport broadcasting and various cultural programmes.

Buddy week

Every semester many new and eager students meet in Volda. The main buddy week is organized at the beginning of the academic year, in August. It is marked by many outdoor activities, competitions, games and introductory meetings. For the international students arriving in Volda for the spring semester, a smaller welcome programme is organized in January.

International week

The International Office organizes an annual International Week in early February with guests from all over the world. International students at VUC and guests at the event are asked to present their home universities at a large Study Abroad Fair.

Annual events

Volda, as a centre for education and culture is known for its remarkably good student life including VEKA (The Student Week), Dokfilm (Documentary Film Festival), Animation Volda (Animation Film Festival) and X2 (Extreme Sports Festival) to name a few highlights. It’s the students themselves that create this special festival atmosphere year after year, with events that attract previous students to visit over and over again.

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