Elaheh Tavakoli
Institutt for språk og litteratur
PhD in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), 2014- 2018, Hakim Sabzevari University, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences
Visiting PhD Researcher (2017-2018), University of South-Eastern Norway, Department of Language and Literature
Thesis: EFL Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes towards and Experience of Formative Assessment of Writing
MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), 2005-2007, University of Isfahan, Faculty of Foreign Languages
Thesis: The Construct Validity of the FCE Reading Paper in the Iranian EFL Context
B.A in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), 2000-2004, Azad University of Najaf Abad (Isfahan), Faculty of literature and social sciences
Other Courses:
- PhD Course UV9211 - Introduction to Path-analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (4 Credits) University of Oslo, Department of Education, 2018.
- Language Methodology Refresher (Secondary), Bell Teacher Campus, Homerton College, Cambridge, 2011
Teaching & Supervision
Courses in Master of Teacher Education Programmes (Grunnskolelærerutdanning)
- MGL5-10 EN1A English 1A - Language and Didactics (Lecturer)
- MGL5-10 EN1B English 1B - Language and Didactics (Lecturer)
- MGL5-10 EN2A English 2A - Language and Didactics (Lecturer)
- MGL5-10 EN2B (Multilingualism, and Intercultural Competence) (Course coordinator and lecturer)
- MGL5-10 EN3A English Vocabulary: Structure and Acquisition (Lecturer and course coordinator)
- MGL1-7 EN1B English 1B - Language and Didactics (Course coordinator and Lecturer)
- MGL1-7 / 5-10 / ULEM Master's Thesis in Teacher Education (Thesis Supervision)
Courses in In-service Teacher Education Programmes (Kompetanse for Kvalitet & PPU)
- ENG1B-17KFK-1 Engelsk 1A & 1B (Lecturer and course coordinator)
- ENG1A-510KFK-1 Engelsk 1A & 1B (Lecturer and course coordinator)
- Fremmedspråksdidaktikk/PPU-DID1FR, PPUD-DID1FR, PPUD-DID2FR (Lecturer)
Professional Experiences
2020- present: Associate Professor at Volda University College, Norway
2019-2020: IELT Examiner/ Assessment Consultant, British Council, Beijing, China
2002 - 2019: Teaching English in Language Schools and Ministry of Education, Tutoring Candidates for the International Tests (IELTS, FCE & TOEFL), Isfahan, Iran
2017 - 2018: Invited PhD Researcher, Lecturer, and Examiner, University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)
2014- 2016: Adjunct Lecturer at Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
2007- 2014: Faculty Member and Lecturer, Executive Assistant, Sobh-e Sadeq Institute of Higher Education, English Department, Isfahan, Iran
Research Interests
Assessment and Testing
Validation Research
Reflective Teaching
Teaching Language Skills
Multilingual Learners
Research Activities (Projects, Groups,...)
2022- : Leader, Assessment in Norways' Teacher Education Programmes (Volda University College)
2021-:, Learning and Assessment Research Group (Volda University College)
2023-: Review Editor, Frontiers in Education
2020-: Journal Peer-reviewer, Language Testing, Sage Publications
Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
- 57th International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition, Brighton, UK, 17-20 April 2024. Presentation on Assessment Patterns in Norway’s Higher Education.
- 56th International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition, Harrogate, UK, 17-20 April 2023. Presentation on Formative Assessment of Writing.
- 55th International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition, Belfast, UK, 17-20 May 2022. Presentation on Question generation behavior of reflective teachers.
- The conference “Conversation as a Tool for Professional Practice” at the University of South-Eastern Norway, April, 6th 2018
- PASIE Seminars (University of South Eastern Norway, 2018)
- The First National Conference on Challenges in Foreign Language Teaching in Iran, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Khorasan, Iran, 29 &30, April, 2015. (Chairwoman and Presenter), Academic Oral Presentation Self-Efficacy: A Cross-sectional Interdisciplinary Comparative Study.
- The International Conference on Current trends in ELT, Putting the Learner in the Spotlight, 20-22 May, 2013.Test Wiseness strategies.
- The Second Postgraduate Conference on Issues in TEFL and English Literature, University of Tehran, December 2007, Investigating the Construct Validity of the FCE Reading Paper in Iranian EFL Context
- Language on the Move Workshop by Dr. Ingrid Piller, Macquarie University Professor in Isfahan University, 10- 11. December, 2011.
Honor and Rewards
Research and Development Scholarship, Spring 2025. Volda University College (2024)
Invited as a Visiting PhD Student to the USN, Highly Productive Stay at USN, Norway (2018)
Scholarship from Ministry of Higher Education for PhD sabbatical, Iran (2017).
Top PhD Student at Hakim Sabzevari University (2018)
Digital Profiles
Tavakoli. E, Gamlem, S. M. (2024). Common Assessment Patterns in Norway’s primary and lower secondary teacher education: A content analysis of syllabus designs in three universities. DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2024.2334417
Sandstedta,J, Kubotab ,M. Anderssen ,M. Darbya J, A. Helseta ,S., Tavakoli, E , Vangsnesb,Ø. , Rothmanb, J (Under review). Bidialectal language representation and processing: Evidence from Norwegian ERPs. Journal of Memory and Language.
Tavakoli, E. (2024). Who teaches best? Who assesses best? A Case study of a competency-based teacher training course. Journal of Language Horizons. DOI.10.22051/lghor.2023.41179.1724
Tavakoli, E. (2021). Contribution of English Textbooks to an EFL Curriculum and Teachers’ Professional Identity: The Case of Four EFL Teachers and a Private Language School in Iran. Taḥqīqāt-i kārburdī dar zabān-i ingilisī, 10(3), 105–136. DOI: 10.22108/ARE.2021.125221.1632
Tavakoli, E., Amirian, M. R., Burner, T., Davoudi, M. & Ghaniabadi, S. (2019). Formative Assessment of Writing (FAoW): A Confirmatory Factor Structure Study. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education (IJATE), 6(3), 344–361. DOI.10.21449/ijate.544277
Tavakoli, E., Amirian, M. R., Burner, T., Davoudi, M. & Ghaniabadi, S. (2018). Operationalization of formative assessment in writing: An intuitive approach to the development of an instrument. Taḥqīqāt-i kārburdī dar zabān-i ingilisī, 7(3), 265–290. DOI.10.22108/ARE.2018.112373.1340
Tavakoli, E. (2018). EFL teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards and experience of formative assessment of writing, Unpublished PhD Thesis. Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.
Tavakoli, E., & Davoudi, M. (2017). Willingness to Communicate Orally: The Case of Iranian EFL Learners. Journal of psycholinguistic research, 46(6), 1509-1527.
Amirian, S. M. R., & Tavakoli, E. (2016). Academic oral presentation self-efficacy: a cross-sectional interdisciplinary comparative study. Higher Education Research & Development, 35(6), 1095-1110.
Tavakoli, E., & Davoudi, M. (2016). Question generation behavior of reflective teachers, Reflective Practice, 17(4), 415-429.
Tavakoli, E., & Samian, S. H. (2014). Test-wiseness Strategies in PBTs and IBTs: The Case of EFL Test Takers, Who Benefits More? Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 98, 1876-1884.
Kheirzadeh, S., & Tavakoli, E. (2012). The Causes of Reading Difficulty: The Perception of Iranian EFL Post-graduate and Under-graduate Students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 3(1), 147-152.
Tavakoli, E. and Barati, H. (2011). Investigating the Construct Validity of the FCE Reading Paper in Iranian EFL Context. Journal of Language Teaching and Research. 2(1)239-247.
Tavakoli, E. Kheirzade, S. (2011). The Effect of Font Size on Reading Comprehension Skills: Scanning for details and Reading for general idea. Journal of Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 1(7), 915-919.
Tavakoli. E. (2007). Investigating the Construct Validity of the FCE Reading Paper in the Iranian EFL Context. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.
Tavakoli, E., Kheirzadeh, S., Ouliaeinia, H. (Third Edition, 2022). Study Skills for Iranian EFL Students. Jungle Publication. Tehran.
Vitskapeleg arbeid
Vitskaplege artiklar og bokkapittel
Bidialectal language representation and processing: Evidence from Norwegian ERPs
Publisert 2024 av Jade Jørgen Michael Sandstedt, Maki Kubota, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Jeannique Darby, Stig Jarle Helset, Elaheh Tavakoli, Øystein Alexander Vangsnes, Jason Rothman
Assessment patterns in teacher education programmes: content analysis of course syllabi
Publisert 2024 av Elaheh Tavakoli, Siv Therese Måseidvåg Gamlem
A Case Study of a Competency Based Teacher Training Course
Publisert 2024 av Elaheh Tavakoli
Contribution of English Textbooks to an EFL Curriculum and Teachers’ Professional Identity: The Case of Four EFL Teachers and a Private Language School in Iran
Publisert 2021 av Elaheh Tavakoli
Bilectal language representation and processing: Evidence from Norwegian ERPs
Publisert 2024 av Jade Jørgen Michael Sandstedt, Maki Kubota, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Jeannique Darby, Stig Jarle Helset, Elaheh Tavakoli, Øystein Alexander Vangsnes, Jason Rothman
Assessment patterns in teacher education programmes: content analysis of course syllabi
Publisert 2024 av Elaheh Tavakoli, Siv Therese Måseidvåg Gamlem
The role of grammatical alignment, engagement, and exposure in cross- dialectal influence on bilectal processing
Publisert 2023 av Jade Sandstedt, Maki Kubota, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Jeannique Darby, Stig Jarle Helset, Yanina Prystauka, Jason Rothman, Elaheh Tavakoli, Øystein Alexander Vangsnes
The distinct grammars of bilectal processing: Evidence from Norwegian ERPs
Publisert 2023 av Jade Sandstedt, Maki Kubota, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Jeannique Darby, Stig Jarle Helset, Yanina Prystauka, Jason Rothman, Elaheh Tavakoli, Øystein Alexander Vangsnes
Question Generation Behavior of Reflective Teachers
Publisert 2022 av Elaheh Tavakoli
Tverrdialektal påverknad på bidialektal prosessering: bevis frå norske ERPar
Publisert 2022 av Jade Sandstedt, Maki Kubota, Merete Andersen, Jeannique Darby, Stig Jarle Helset, Yanina Prystauka, Elaheh Tavakoli, Øystein Alexander Vangsnes, Øystein Vangsnes, Jason Rothman