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Nye e-bøker i biblioteket

Juni 2024:

A history of Shi'i Islam , Utgitt: 2013
Daftary, Farhad,

A modern history of the Ismailis : continuity and change in a Muslim community , Utgitt: 2011

A sentimental education for the working man : the Mexico City penny press, 1900-1910 , Utgitt: 2015
Buffington, Robert, 1952-

A state of peace in Europe : West Germany and the CSCE, 1966-1975 , Utgitt: 2019
Hakkarainen, Petri, 1976-

Advancing Equity Planning Now , Utgitt: 2019
Krumholz, Norman

All the Feels Tous les sens Affect and Writing in Canada Affect et écriture au Canada, Utgitt: 2021
Carrière, Marie

Almost Futures : Sovereignty and Refuge at World's End, Utgitt: 2024
Nguyen-Vo, Thu-Huong, 1962-

An anthology of philosophy in Persia., Utgitt: 2008
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, author, editor.

Ancient Synagogues in Palestine: A Re-evaluation Nearly a Century After Sukenik's Schweich Lectures, Utgitt: 2024

Animating Film Theory, Utgitt: 2014

Appelée à Comparaître : La Littérature Dans les Fictions Québécoises du XXIe Siècle., Utgitt: 2021
Bélanger, David.

Authoritarian Populism and the Rural World , Utgitt: 2021

Black Schoolgirls in Space : Stories of Black Girlhoods Gathered on Educational Terrain., Utgitt: 2024
Ohito, Esther O.

Borders Across Healthcare, Utgitt: 1905

Bright signals : a history of color television , Utgitt: 2018
Murray, Susan, 1967-

Bring on the Books for Everybody : How Literary Culture Became Popular Culture , Utgitt: 2010
Collins, Jim,

Buddhism and International Humanitarian Law , Utgitt: 2023

Buy it now lessons from eBay , Utgitt: 2012
White, Michele, 1962-

COVID-19 and human rights , Utgitt: 2021

COVID-19 and the Informal Economy, Utgitt: 2024

Challenging perceptions of Africa in schools : critical approaches to global justice education , Utgitt: 2020

Children's Voices, Family Disputes and Child-Inclusive Mediation : The Right to Be Heard., Utgitt: 2024
Barlow, Anne.

Christus als Held und seine heroische Nachfolge : Zur imitatio Christi in der Frühen Neuzeit , Utgitt: 2020

Civil society in the Muslim world : contemporary perspectives , Utgitt: 2002

Climate Change and Critical Agrarian Studies, Utgitt: 2023

Comic art and feminism in the Baltic Sea region : transnational perspectives , Utgitt: 2021

Comrades in Arms : Military Masculinities in East German Culture , Utgitt: 2020
Smith, Tom

Conspiracy theories in the time of COVID-19 , Utgitt: 2023
Birchall, Clare,

Constitutional Discussions on Nuclear Energy in Germany, Utgitt: 2024
Rybski, Robert

Control a history of behavioral psychology , Utgitt: 1998
Mills, John A.

Critical cyberculture studies, Utgitt: 2006

Crypto crowds : singularities and multiplicities on the blockchain , Utgitt: 2024

Cyborg mind : what brain-computer and mind-cyberspace interfaces mean for cyberneuroethics , Utgitt: 2019
MacKellar, Calum

Lenko-Szymanska, Agnieszka.

Decolonizing Linguistics, Utgitt: 2024
Anne H. Charity Hudley

Decolonizing Native Histories : Collaboration, Knowledge, and Language in the Americas , Utgitt: 2011
Mallon, Florencia E.

Designing Worlds : National Design Histories in an Age of Globalization., Utgitt: 2016
Fallan, Kjetil.

Desistance and Children : Critical Reflections from Theory, Research and Practice., Utgitt: 2024
Hazel, Neal.

Digital Media and Grassroots Anti-Corruption : Contexts, Platforms and Data of Anti-Corruption Technologies Worldwide., Utgitt: 2024
Mattoni, Alice.

Disordering the Establishment : participatory art and institutional critique in France, 1958-1981 , Utgitt: 2020
Woodruff, Lily,

Diversity and pluralism in Islam : historical and contemporary discourses amongst Muslims , Utgitt: 2010

Doctrines of Shi'i Islam : a compendium of Imami beliefs and practices , Utgitt: 2001
Subḥānī, Ja'far,

Embodying Black Religions in Africa and Its Diasporas, Utgitt: 2021

Emergence of European Society through Public Law, Utgitt: 2024

Encoding race, encoding class : Indian IT workers in Berlin , Utgitt: 2016
Amrute, Sareeta Bipin,

Entangled Entertainers : Jews and Popular Culture in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna , Utgitt: 2019
Hödl, Klaus, 1963-

Errances photographiques : mobilité et intermédialité , Utgitt: 2014
Suzanne Paquet (dir.)

European Regions and Boundaries : A Conceptual History , Utgitt: 2017

Extremism, Society, and the State : Crisis, Radicalization, and the Conundrum of the Center and the Extremes., Utgitt: 2021
Loperfido, Giacomo.

Female Servants in Early Modern England, Utgitt: 2024

Flirting with danger young women's reflections on sexuality and domination , Utgitt: 2000
Phillips, Lynn M.

Food, Farms & Solidarity : French Farmers Challenge Industrial Agriculture and Genetically Modified Crops , Utgitt: 2013
Heller, Chaia

Footprints in paradise : ecotourism, local knowledge, and therapies in Okinawal knowledge, and therapies in Okinawa , Utgitt: 2017
Murray, Andrea E.,

From Clans to Co-ops : Confiscated Mafia Land in Sicily , Utgitt: 2018
Rakopoulos, Theodoros,

From Josephus to Yosippon and Beyond : Text - Re-Interpretations - Afterlives., Utgitt: 2024
Bay, Carson.

From Russia with code : programming migrations in post-Soviet times , Utgitt: 2019

From self-fulfillment to survival of the fittest : work in European cinema from the 1960s to the present , Utgitt: 2015
Mazierska, Ewa,

Futureproof : security aesthetics and the management of life , Utgitt: 2020

Germany on Their Minds : German Jewish Refugees in the United States and their Relationships with Germany, 1938-1988 , Utgitt: 2018
Schenderlein, Anne C.

Gérer l'environnement : défis constants, solutions incertaines , Utgitt: 2001

Global Dialogues in the Philosophy of Religion: From Religious Experience to the Afterlife, Utgitt: 2024

Governance and Islam in East Africa: Muslims and the State in Kenya and Tanzania, Utgitt: 2024

Greek Captives and Mediterranean Slavery, 1260–1460, Utgitt: 2024
Alasdair C. Grant

Hawai'i is my haven : race and indigeneity in the Black Pacific , Utgitt: 2021
Sharma, Nitasha Tamar, 1973-

Higher Flight : Refocusing BlackAfricana Studies for the 21st Century , Utgitt: 2024
Stewart, James B.,

Higher Music Education and Employability in a Neoliberal World , Utgitt: 2024

History from the bottom up and the inside out : ethnicity, race, and identity in working-class history , Utgitt: 2017
Barrett, James R., 1950-

How climate change comes to matter : the communal life of facts , Utgitt: 2014
Callison, Candis, 1971-

Identity Politics and the New Genetics : ReCreating Categories of Difference and Belonging , Utgitt: 2012
Schramm, Katharina

Imperial Matter Ancient Persia and the Archaeology of Empires , Utgitt: 2016
Khatchadourian, Lori, 1975-

Impotent warriors : Gulf War syndrome, vulnerability and masculinity , Utgitt: 2009
Kilshaw, Susie,

India Migration Report 2023 : Student Migration, Utgitt: 2024

Indigenous Resurgence : Decolonialization and Movements for Environmental Justice , Utgitt: 2022

Indigenous textual cultures : reading and writing in the age of global empire , Utgitt: 2020

Individual in International Law, Utgitt: 2024

Infamous bodies : early Black women's celebrity and the afterlives of rights , Utgitt: 2020
Pinto, Samantha,

Inner City Kids Adolescents Confront Life and Violence in an Urban Community , Utgitt: 2000
McIntyre, Alice, 1956-

Insidious capital : frontlines of value at the end of a global cycle , Utgitt: 2024

Interpretations radicales , Utgitt: 2008
Laurier, Daniel,

Intoxication : an ethnography of effervescent revelry , Utgitt: 2023
Tutenges, Sébastien,

Islam and secularism in Turkey : Kemalism, religion and the nation state , Utgitt: 2010
Azak, Umut,

Jews in the Soviet Union : a history., Utgitt: 2022
Estraikh, Gennady,

Just Prospering? Plato and the Sophistic Debate About Justice, Utgitt: 2024

L'agir en condition hyperconnectée : art et images à l'œuvre , Utgitt: 2020

L'idée d'université : une anthologie des débats sur l'enseignement supérieur au Québec de 1770 à 1970 , Utgitt: 2001
Corbo, Claude, 1945-

L'interculturel au Québec : rencontres historiques et enjeux politiques , Utgitt: 2014
Lomomba Emongo, Bob W. White

L'intégration des familles d'origine immigrante : les enjeux sociosanitaires et scolaires , Utgitt: 2014
Fasal Kanouté, Gina Lafortune

La douleur en mouvement : actes du troisième Colloque francophone sur la douleur, 11 octobre 2013, Montréal (Québec) , Utgitt: 2013
Colloque francophone sur la douleur Montréal, Québec) 2013 : (3e :; Colloque francophone sur la douleur Corporate Author; Pierre Beaulieu (dir.)

La mémoire du roman , Utgitt: 2013
Isabelle Daunais (dir.)

Law and Revolution : Past Experiences, Future Challenges , Utgitt: 2024

Law and power in the Islamic world , Utgitt: 2003
Zubaida, Sami, 1937-

Le Posthumain Descend-Il du Singe ? : Littérature évolution et Cybernétique., Utgitt: 2020
Després, Elaine.

Le modèle ludique : le jeu, l'enfant ayant une déficience physique et l'ergothérapie , Utgitt: 2003
Ferland, Francine, 1947-

Le patient et le médecin , Utgitt: 2014
Zaffran, Marc, auteur.

Le rêve de Phonsine : poétiquepsychocritique du Cycle du Survenant de Germaine Guèvremont , Utgitt: 2021
Décarie, David, 1969-

Le savoir des livres , Utgitt: 2005
Benoît Melançon (dir.)

Les Québécois aux urnes : les partis, les médias et les citoyens en campagne , Utgitt: 2013
Éric Bélanger, Frédérick Bastien, François Gélineau (dir.)

Les scientifiques et la paix : La communauté scientifique internationale au cours des années 20 , Utgitt: 2017
Schroeder-Gudehus, Brigitte

Les visages de la police : pratiques et perceptions , Utgitt: 2003
Brodeur, Jean-Paul,

Lessons in Perception : The Avant-Garde Filmmaker as Practical Psychologist , Utgitt: 2018
Taberham, Paul

Life interrupted trafficking into forced labor in the United States, Utgitt: 2014
Brennan, Denise.

Listening for Africa : freedom, modernity, and the logic of Black music's African origins , Utgitt: 2017
García, David F.,

Little Book of Circle Processes A NewOld Approach To Peacemaking, Utgitt: 2015
Pranis, Kay.

Lives and Deaths of Werther, Utgitt: 2023

Living on a Time Bomb : Local Negotiations of Oil Extraction in a Mexican Community., Utgitt: 2022
Schöneich, Svenja.

Low-Paid EU Migrant Workers : The House, the Street, the Town , Utgitt: 2024
Barnard, Catherine,

Mad Men, Mad World : Sex, Politics, Style, and the 1960s , Utgitt: 2013

Mediepedagogikk kritiske refleksjoner om medier i undervisning og samfunn, Utgitt: 2024

Monuments intellectuels de la Nouvelle-France et du Québec ancien : aux origines d'une tradition culturelle , Utgitt: 2014
Claude Corbo (dir.)

Murdering masculinities fantasies of gender and violence in the American crime novel , Utgitt: 2000
Forter, Greg.

Nations Apart : Czech Nationalism and Authoritarian Welfare under Nazi Rule., Utgitt: 2024
^D%Sustrov?, Radka.

Nineteenth-Century African American Narratives in Britain and Ireland, Utgitt: 2024

Nineteenth-Century African American Speeches in Britain and Ireland, Utgitt: 2024

Observing dark innovation : after neoliberal tools and techniques , Utgitt: 2024
MacNeil, Ryan T.,

Opening Up the University : Teaching and Learning with Refugees , Utgitt: 2022

Plato's Gorgias., Utgitt: 2024
Machek, David.

Pride in the projects teens building identities in urban contexts , Utgitt: 2008
Deutsch, Nancy L.

Professionalism., Utgitt: 2023
Graz, Architekturfakultät der Technischen Universität.

Promoting Inclusion and Justice in University Teaching : A Transformative-Emancipatory Toolkit for Educators., Utgitt: 2024
Cappiali, Teresa M.

Repenser l'école : une anthologie des débats sur l'éducation au Québec de 1945 au rapport Parent , Utgitt: 2000
Jean-Pierre Couture

Responsibility and Healthcare, Utgitt: 2024

Rest in Plastic: Death, Time and Synthetic Materials in a Ghanaian Ewe Community, Utgitt: 2024
Isabel Bredenbröker

Routledge Handbook of High-Performance Workplaces., Utgitt: 2024
Candido, Christhina.

Sacred men : law, torture, and retribution in Guam , Utgitt: 2019
Camacho, Keith L.,

Samarbeid Fjordantologien 2024, Utgitt: 2024

Scarlet and Black, Volume Three : Making Black Lives Matter at Rutgers, 1945-2020., Utgitt: 2021
Carey, Miya.

Scarlet and Black, Volume Two : Constructing Race and Gender at Rutgers, 1865-1945 , Utgitt: 2020

Selling the economic miracle : economic reconstruction and politics in West Germany, 1949-1957 , Utgitt: 2007
Spicka, Mark E.

Settling for less the planned resettlement of Israel's Negev Bedouin , Utgitt: 2010
Dinero, Steven C.

Sex scene : media and the sexual revolution , Utgitt: 2014

Soldiers' Stories : Military Women in Cinema and Television since World War II , Utgitt: 2011
Tasker, Yvonne

Steamboat Modernity : Travel, Transport, and Social Transformation on the Lower Danube, 1830-1860., Utgitt: 2024
Ardeleanu, Constantin.

Submerged on the Surface : The Not-So-Hidden Jews of Nazi Berlin, 1941-1945 , Utgitt: 2018
Lutjens, Richard N., Jr.

Synagonism., Utgitt: 2024
Hadjinicolaou, Yannis.

Taking Action, Utgitt: 2023

Technocrats of the Imagination : Art, Technology, and the Military-Industrial Avant-Garde , Utgitt: 2020
Beck, John,

Tegengas, voor duurzaam, Utgitt: 2021
Köhne, Michiel

Tekster og lesere et nærmere blikk på ungdomstrinnet, Utgitt: 2024

Ten books that shaped the British empire : creating an imperial commons , Utgitt: 2014

The Constitution of the War on Drugs., Utgitt: 2024
Pozen, David.

The Creative Underclass : Youth, Race, and the Gentrifying City , Utgitt: 2018
Denmead, Tyler

The Fate of Social Modernity : Western Europe and Organised Welfare Provision in Challenging Times., Utgitt: 2024
Bode, Ingo.

The First Aga Khan : A Persian Edition and English Translation of Hasan 'Ali Shah's Tarkha-I 'ibrat-afza., Utgitt: 2018

The Huthi movement in Yemen : ideology, ambition and security in the Arab Gulf , Utgitt: 2022

The Legal Consistency of Technology Regulation in Europe , Utgitt: 2024

The Normative Foundations for EU Criminal Justice : Powers, Limits and Justifications , Utgitt: 2024
berg, Jacob,

The Regulatory Landscape of Ship Recycling : Justice, Environmental Principles, and the European Union As a Global Leader., Utgitt: 2024
Hadjiyianni, Ioanna.

The Routledge companion to religion and popular culture , Utgitt: 2015

The digital citizen(ship) : politics and democracy in the networked society , Utgitt: 2021
Ceccarini, Luigi,

The licit life of capitalism : U.S. Oil in Equatorial Guinea , Utgitt: 2019
Appel, Hannah, 1978-

The surplus woman : unmarried in Imperial Germany, 1871-1918 , Utgitt: 2009
Dollard, Catherine Leota,

The wow climax tracing the emotional impact of popular culture , Utgitt: 2007
Jenkins, Henry, 1958-

Thought crime : ideology and state power in interwar Japan , Utgitt: 2019
Ward, Max M., 1973-

Threats of force and international law : practice, responses, and consequences , Utgitt: 2023
Kleczkowska, Agata,

To Be an Actress: Labor and Performance in Anna May Wong's Cross-Media World, Utgitt: 2024
Yiman Wang

Un-settling Middle Eastern Refugees : Regimes of Exclusion and Inclusion in the Middle East, Europe, and North America , Utgitt: 2021

Unearthing Shakespeare : embodied performance and the Globe , Utgitt: 2017
Pye, Valerie Clayman.,

Video games as art : a communication-oriented perspective on the relationship between gaming and the art , Utgitt: 2023
Bosman, Frank G., 1978-

Views on Early Music as Representation : invitations, congruity, performance , Utgitt: 2022

Violent Becomings : State Formation, Sociality, and Power in Mozambique , Utgitt: 2016
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge,

Weary warriors : power, knowledge, and the invisible wounds of soldiers , Utgitt: 2014
Moss, Pamela, 1960-

What To Do About Conspiracy Theories? : Academic Entanglements in Conflicts Over Truths, Utgitt: 2024

When mothers kill interviews from prison , Utgitt: 2008
Oberman, Michelle.

Words of power : Ḥurūfī teachings between Shi'ism and Sufism in medieval Islam : the original doctrine of Faḍl Allāh Astarābādī , Utgitt: 2015
Mir-Kasimov, Orkhan,


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