
How to find e-books

Searching in Oria

You can find e-books by searching in Oria and then filtering for e-books in the left hand menu of the results under Resource Type. Make sure you log in with your Feide ID and password for access off-campus. 

Ebook Central

Volda University College subscribes to the e-book package EbookCentral with nearly 200,000 titles. These titles are all available through Oria , or you can also search directly in EbookCentral. For access to e-books from Ebook Central you will need to use your Feide login both on and off campus.These e-books are only available for students and staff of HVO. 


In addition, we subscribe to a selection of packages from SpringerLink:

  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Behavioral Science and Psychology
  • Education
  • History
  • Literature
  • Media and Culture
  • Political Science and International Studies
  • Religion and Philosophy
  • Social Sciences. 

We have access from 2018 onwards. These titles are also available through Oria and require Feide access off campus.

SpringerLink also has a selection of Open Access books.

Other Open Acess Textbooks

DOAB Directory of Open Access Books 

There are also a number of Norwegian textbooks that are freely available as Open Access from the following publishers:

Cappelen Damm Akademisk

How to use e-books

  •  You can read e-books directly in your web browser or download to PC/Mac/smart phone/tablet and read offline.
  • Downloaded e-books are only available for a limited period of time, like borrowing a normal book. If the loan period expires and you still need the book, you can download it again to start a new loan period. NB! This is not a rule that applies to all e-books, loan conditions vary depending on the supplier.
  • Many e-book suppliers will allow you to download the entire book, but some suppliers restrict the number of pages/chapters allowed.
  • Some e-book suppliers (e.g. Ebook Central) require that you install an e-book reader program such as Adobe Digital Editions to be able to download their e-books, but this is not required to read online in your web browser.


  •  It is possible to print out pages from e-books, but the number of pages allowed varies depending on the supplier.

Tips and Tricks

Use two screens:
Using just one screen for both reading and note-taking can get frustrating. Try using two screens if you can. If you don’t have a computer with two screens you can try using two devices, for example using your tablet or smart phone to read the e-book and your laptop for taking notes (or vice versa).

Split screen:
You can create a similar effect by splitting your screen so that you can have a text document and your e-book open side-by-side on the screen. On Windows/PC, hold down the Windows key and press left or right arrow to snap your open window to one side of the screen, then do the same to snap the second window in place on the other side of your screen. On Mac, hover your pointer over the full-screen button (green) in the upper-left corner of a window, then choose ”Tile Window to Left of Screen” or ”Tile Window to Right of Screen” from the menu. 

Take Notes, Make Mark-ups, etc:
There are slightly different ways to do this depending on the supplier and type of e-book. See the instructions below for more information:

E-books from EbookCentral

Other E-books 
Most you can open or download as a pdf. In order to take notes, etc you need to save the pdf file on your own device.