Nyinnkjøpte e-bøker - januar 2024

Her har vi en oversikt over de nyinnkjøpte e-bøkene vi har på biblioteket i januar 2024:

A history of East Baltic through language contact /, Utgitt: 2023
Jakob, Anthony, 1992- author.

Access to power : electricity and the infrastructural state in Pakistan /, Utgitt: [2022]
Naqvi, Ijlal, author.

Administrating kinship : marriage impediments and dispensation policies in the 18th and 19th centuries /, Utgitt: 2023
Lanzinger, Margareth, author.

Alfonso de Cartagena's 'Memoriale virtutum (1422) : Aristotle for lay princes in medieval Spain /, Utgitt: [2022]
Morrás, María, author.

Anfänge der Globalisierung : Macht und Mythos in Epischen Anfangskonstruktionen Bei Ovid, Milton und Kubrick., Utgitt: 2022.
Stelzer, Philipp, author.

Applied human rights, Utgitt: 2023

Art, Play, Labour., Utgitt: 2023.
Rempe, Martin.

Artistic disobedience : music and confession in Switzerland, 1648-1762 /, Utgitt: [2017]
Bacciagaluppi, Claudio, author.

Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 27 (2021), Utgitt: 2023

Aurores et crépuscules dans la Thébaïde de Stace /, Utgitt: 2023.
Tomcik, Melissande, author.

Automating empathy : decoding technologies that gauge intimate life /, Utgitt: 2023.
McStay, Andrew, 1975- author.

Bildagenten Historische und zeitgenössische Bildpraxen in globalen Kulturen, Utgitt: 2021

Blockchain and private international law /, Utgitt: 2023

Buddhism and the Body, Utgitt: 2023

Chinese Global Infrastructure, Utgitt: 2023

Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic, Utgitt: 2023

Citizens in the Graeco-Roman world : aspects of citizenship from the archaic period to AD 212 /, Utgitt: [2017]

Climate change and international shipping : the regulatory framework for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions /, Utgitt: [2017]
Shi, Yubing, author.

Contract law of Qatar /, Utgitt: 2023.
Bantekas, Ilias, author.

Controlling the capital : political dominance in the urbanizing world /, Utgitt: 2023.

Crafting relationships with nature through creative practices, Utgitt: 2023

Creating kabuki plays context for Kezairoku, "Valuable notes on playwriting" /, Utgitt: 2010.
Saltzman-Li, Katherine.

Death in ancient China the tale of one man's journey /, Utgitt: 2006.
Cook, Constance A.

Deshima Diaries, Utgitt: 2015

Doing Interpretation : Perspektiven praxeologischer Hermeneutik /, Utgitt: 2020.

Dutch Jews as Perceived by Themselves and by Others : Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on the History of the Jews in the Netherlands /, Utgitt: 2000.
Symposium on the History of the Jews in the Netherlands Jerusalem) 1998 : (8th :

Early modern litterae indipetae for the East Indies /, Utgitt: 2023
Frei, Elisa, 1982- author.

En forskningsbasert skole? : Forskningens plass i lærerutdanning og skole, Utgitt: 2023

Entré en tant que cousin, sorti en tant que gendarme, Utgitt: 2023

Erfaringer med institusjonell etnografi, Utgitt: 2023

Ethics, Utgitt: 2006.
Geulincx, Arnold, 1624-1669.

Europe's Islamic legacy 1900 to the present : Proceedings of the online conference hosted by the University of Cambridge on 20 October 2020 /, Utgitt: 2019
Islamic Legacy in the 20th and 21st Centuries (Conference) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England) (2020 :

Facing authority : a theory of political legitimacy /, Utgitt: [2023]
Fossen, Thomas, author.

Field station Bahia : Brazil in the work of Lorenzo Dow Turner, E. Franklin Frazier and Frances and Melville Herskovits, 1935-1967 /, Utgitt: 2023
Sansone, Livio, author.

Finding allies and making revolution : the early years of the Chinese Communist Party /, Utgitt: [2020]
Saich, Tony, author.

Florilegia Syriaca : mapping a knowledge-organizing practice in the Syriac world /, Utgitt: 2023

Frames that speak : cartouches on early modern maps /, Utgitt: 2023
Van Duzer, Chet, 1966- author.

Freedom of religion and religious pluralism /, Utgitt: [2023]

Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics: Problems and Solutions, Utgitt: 2000

Glücksritter Risiko und Erzählstruktur, Utgitt: 2021

Goethe's Faust I outlined : Moritz Retzsch's prints in circulation /, Utgitt: 2023
Stead, Evanghélia, author.

Greek inscriptions on the East Bank /, Utgitt: 2023
Nilsson, Maria, 1979- author.

HR i møte med det nye arbeidslivet, Utgitt: 2023

Heirs of Avicenna: Philosophy in the Islamic East, 12-13th Centuries, Utgitt: 2023

Ichthyology in Context (1500–1880), Utgitt: 2023

In the shadow of war and empire : industrialisation, nation-building, and working-class politics in Turkey /, Utgitt: 2023
Akgöz, Görkem, author.

International Standardization and Trade Regulation, Utgitt: 2024

International law of sharks : obstacles, options and opportunities /, Utgitt: 2017.
Techera, Erika J., author.

Interpretation und Geltung /, Utgitt: 2022.

Jonathan Swift and the millennium of madness : the information age in Swift's A tale of a tub /, Utgitt: 1992.
Craven, Kenneth, author.

Kinesic humor : literature, embodied cognition, and the dynamics of gesture /, Utgitt: [2021]
Bolens, Guillemette, author.

Knowing Our Ways About in the World : Philosophical perspectives on practical knowledge, Utgitt: 2023

Kompetanse for inkluderende praksis : Et innovasjonsprosjekt om samarbeid mellom barnehage/skole og PP-tjenesten /, Utgitt: 2023.

Kreditfiktionen Der literarische Realismus und die Kunst, Schulden zu erzählen, Utgitt: 2020
Roepstorff-Robiano, Philippe

Language or dialect? : the history of a conceptual pair /, Utgitt: [2020]
Van Rooy, Raf, author.

Lexical variation and change : a distributional semantic approach /, Utgitt: 2024.
Geeraerts, Dirk, 1955- author.

Litigating the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples in domestic and international courts /, Utgitt: [2021]

Maimonides Review of Philosophy and Religion Volume 2, 2023 /, Utgitt: 2023.

Mario Lavista : mirrors of sounds /, Utgitt: 2023.
Alonso-Minutti, Ana R., 1976- author.

Medienhorror Mediale Angst im Film, Utgitt: 2017
Leitner, Florian

Memory and Commemoration across Central Asia : Texts, Traditions and Practices, 10th-21st Centuries /, Utgitt: 2023.

Metaphysical Poems /, Utgitt: 2023.
Mickiewicz, Adam, author.

Musikalische Schreibszenen /, Utgitt: 2023.
Celestini, Federico, author.

Narratives in Silius Italicus' Punica /, Utgitt: 2023
Broek, Pieter van den, 1983- author.

Negotiating journalism : core values and cultural diversities /, Utgitt: 2017

New ancient greek in a neo-latin world : the restoration of classical bilingualism in the early modern low countries and beyond /, Utgitt: [2023]
Rooy, Raf Van, author.

Norwegian American Women Migration, Communities, and Identities /, Utgitt: c2011.

Patent exhaustion and international trade regulation /, Utgitt: [2023]
Mukherjee, Santanu, author.

Politics and the Urban Frontier : Transformation and Divergence in Late Urbanizing East Africa /, Utgitt: 2022
Goodfellow, Tom author.

Power of Parables, Utgitt: 2023

Presence of the Prophet in Early Modern and Contemporary Islam, Utgitt: 2023

Quaestiones super libros De generatione et corruptione Aristotelis a critical edition with an introduction /, Utgitt: 2010.
Buridan, Jean, 1300-1358.

Questions of style : literary societies and literary journals in modern China, 1911-1937 /, Utgitt: 2003.
Hockx, Michel, author.

Reasoning with attitude : foundations and applications of inferential expressivism /, Utgitt: 2023.
Incurvati, Luca, author.

Routledge Handbook on Men, Masculinities and Organizations : Theories, Practices and Futures of Organizing, Utgitt: 2023

Shakir M. Pashov : History of the Gypsies in Bulgaria and Europe : Roma /, Utgitt: 2023.

Shipping in Inuit Nunangat : governance challenges and approaches in Canadian Arctic waters /, Utgitt: 2023

Space, land, territory, and the study of the Bible /, Utgitt: 2017.
Russell, Stephen C.

Statistical physics of spin glasses and information processing an introduction /, Utgitt: 2001.
Nishimori, Hidetoshi.

Sunnitischer Tafsir in der modernen islamischen Welt : akademische Traditionen, Popularisierung und nationalstaatliche Interessen /, Utgitt: 2011.
Pink, Johanna.

Sustainability through participation? : perspectives from national, European and international law /, Utgitt: [2023]

Table talk : short talks on the weightier matters of law and religion /, Utgitt: 2023.
Witte, John, Jr., 1959- author.

Teachers' Professional Ethics : Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Research from Finland., Utgitt: 2022.
Tirri, Kirsi.

The Baltic battle of books : formation and relocation of European libraries in the Confessional Age (c.1500-1650) and their afterlife /, Utgitt: 2023

The Calling of the Church in Times of Polarization /, Utgitt: 2023.

The Deshima diaries : marginalia 1740-1800 /, Utgitt: [2015]

The Double Kingdom Under Taharqo Studies in the History of Kush and Egypt, c. 690 - 664 BC, Utgitt: 2014.
Pope, Jeremy W.

The Kaliningrad Region A Specific Enclave in Contemporary Europe, Utgitt: 2021

The Origin and Early Development of the Zhou Changes /, Utgitt: 2022.

The art of symbolic resistance : Uyghur identities and Uyghur-Han relations in contemporary Xinjiang /, Utgitt: 2013.
Smith Finley, Joanne.

The common core of European administrative laws : retrospective and prospective /, Utgitt: 2023
Della Cananea, Giacinto, author.

The crisis of causality : Voetius and Descartes on God, nature, and change /, Utgitt: 1995.
Ruler, J. A. van, author.

The dragon and the rainbow : man's oldest story /, Utgitt: 2023
Blust, R. A., author.

The dynamic lexicon of English : a socio-cognitive approach towards loan processes and their linguistic effects /, Utgitt: 2023
Landmann, Julia, author.

The ethics of surveillance in times of emergency /, Utgitt: 2023.

The markets for news : enduring structures in the age of business model disruptions /, Utgitt: [2023]
Sjøvaag, Helle, author.

The political economy of food system transformation : pathways to progress in a polarized world /, Utgitt: 2023.

The rights of the child : legal, political, and ethical challenges /, Utgitt: 2023.

The scholia on Cicero's speeches : contexts and perspectives /, Utgitt: 2023

Topographies of Tolerance and Intolerance, Responses to Religious Pluralism in Reformation Europe., Utgitt: 2018.
Marjorie Elizabeth Plummer; Victoria Christman (Editors)

Tradition, Transmission, Transformation, Utgitt: 1996

Vernacular Books and Their Readers in the Early Age of Print (c. 1450–1600), Utgitt: 2023

Women and war in roman epic /, Utgitt: [2021]
Pyy, Elina, author.

Zerbrochene Spiegel: Die babylonische Eroberung Jerusalems als kulturelles Trauma, Utgitt: 2024
Sonja Ammann


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