
IPA203 Internship with internship report (15 ECTS)

1 semester
Bachelor (fordjupingsnivå)
2017 Vår
Emnenavn på engelsk: 
Internship with internship report (15 ECTS)
Emnenavn på bokmål: 
Prosjektarbeid som praksis
2017 Vår
Krav til forkunnskapar

IPA111 and IPA112 or equivalent.

Om emnet

To practice and apply knowledge and insights into theories and methods acquired so far in the bachelor studies, students are to do an internship in the public or private sector, or with an NGO. The students can do their internship in Norway or abroad. During their internship students are to write an internship report. The topic of this report should be connected to the workplace and to the students' tasks.

The course consists of two parts:

Part 1: Internship seminar, preparing the students both for the internship and for writing the internship report. The course covers topics like how to write a paper, how to apply for jobs, ethics in worklife and different cultures in worklife.

Part 2: Internship in the public or private sector, or with an NGO, and writing of the internship report.


In accordance with the National Qualifications Framework the student will achieve the following learning outcomes after completing the course:


The students have acquired knowledge of methods of how to write a university college paper and of how to collect data. 


The students know how to work on projects in a workplace and to present the outcomes of their work projects in a written report. 

Generell kompetanse

The students know how  to apply theoretical knowledge acquired in their studies in a practical work setting. 

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåtar

This is an electible course. The course is also open to students from other study programs at HVO and to international students. The seminar is held in English. The internship report can be written in Norwegian or English.

The course is held in spring term and consists of two parts:

Part 1: Internship seminar

The seminar prepares students for the internship and for writing the internship report. It is held in January and February, and provides a theoretical and practical introduction to writing university college papers / reports. The seminar also helps students prepare for job/internship applications and job interviews, work in different cultures and ethics in work life. Additional topics, like presentation techniques, may also be covered. As part of the course, students are to present the organization they will do their internship in and the planned topic they are going to write about in their internship report, in class. 

Part 2: Internship
Students are to find internship positions themselves, but the department can help with contacts to possible internship places. The department provides more extensive support in finding internship positions to international students. The internship position has to be approved of by the department. Each student gets assigned a supervisor by the department. The internship lasts 6 to 8 weeks, between the beginning of March and the end of May. During the internship, students are to write an internship report. The topic of the report should be connected to the workplace and to the student's tasks during the intership. The report - with a length of about 4000 words - should follow the usual requirements for university college papers.

Vilkår for å framstille seg til eksamen
  • Participation in seminar (obligatory attendance - at least 80%)
  • Presentation of internship position and topic of internship report in the seminar
  • Completed internship 
Evaluering og kvalitetssikring

Students are assigned a supervisor from the department. The students may contact their supervisor regarding work-related issues and the writing of the internship report. If students do their internship in the region around Volda, the supervisor will visit the intern at his or her workplace during the internship. The course will be evaluated in accordance with the quality control system at HVO (

Nathalie Homlong
Emnet inngår i følgande studieprogram
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
1 semester
A-F, der A er best og E er siste ståkarakter
The grade on the course is based on the grade on the report. The internship report should be about 4000 words.
Godkjent av: 
Odd Ragnar Hunnes 06.10.16