
MMP301 Storytelling, Representation and Rhetoric

1 semester
2022 Haust
Emnenavn på engelsk: 
Storytelling, Representation and Rhetoric
2022 Haust
Om emnet

The course focuses on learning to collaborate across disciplines.

In the first part of the course, questions of representation, storytelling and rhetoric will be discussed as it relates to media production. The course will have an emphasis on moving images and audiovisual forms, but also discuss other means of expression and communication, such as written discourse, still images, and PR and design. 

Students will contribute to the other students´ learning processes by sharing their knowledge, skills and experience from their own specialization with the students from the other disciplines. 

In the second part of the course, students will work in groups with a media production, from research and concept development, to a finished product. In this production, the students will take their original role, whether it is as a filmmaker, animator, journalist, public relations communication specialist, or designer/media designer.


In accordance with the National Qualifications Framework the student will achieve the following learning outcomes after completing the course:


The student has knowledge of

  • theories of representation
  • narrative analysis and other related theoretical and methodological frameworks for the study of storytelling
  • developed knowledge of dramaturgy and narrative techniques for traditional and new media
  • theories on rhetoric, and how images, language and media are uavoidably rhetorical
  • how key elements in the study of representation, storytelling and rhetoric are interrelated, and how this relates to their own role as media practicioners

The students

  • take part in shorter media productions of high quality within her/his field of specialization, and use concepts and techniques in representation, storytelling and rhetoric in their own work 
  • analyze and relate critically to various media in terms of how the they represent, narrate and rhetorically address their audience
  • analyze existing theories, methods and interpretations in storytelling and work independently with practical and theoretical issues in her/his field 
Generell kompetanse

The students 

  • learn about theoretical and methodical issues regarding representation, storytelling and rhetoric, through discussions and collaboration, as well as teaching others and being taught by others.
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåtar

The course material is presented through lectures, seminars and group work. Students will work practically with the subject matter, both individually and in groups. Parts of the course can be implemented as e-learning modules and screen-based teaching and guidance.

Vilkår for å framstille seg til eksamen

The student has to participate in lectures and seminars and complete all assignments.

Students complete a production in groups in the last half of the semester.

Students write an individual essay reflecting on the final product in light of the theoretical perspectives discussed in the course

Fill out the evaluation form of the course (done anonymously).



Dag S. Roland
Paul Bjerke
Emnet inngår i følgande studieprogram
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
1 semester
A-F, der A er best og E er siste ståkarakter
The final examination consists of a portfolio with a practical production and an essay. The essay must a) link the production to the syllabus and b) reflect on how the production fits in and contributes to the totality of the project. Length 3000-5000 words.
The report should be 3000 – 5000 words
Godkjent av: 
Kate Kartveit