
MPRO114 Outdoor Media Production

1 semester
Bachelor (grunnivå)
2023 Vår
2023 Vår
Krav til forkunnskapar

The course is open to students in the BA in media production program and students with relevant studies in media production, marketing, and journalism. Students in the BA in media production program have priority. Upon fulfillment of prerequisites, admission may be granted to qualified students from other study programs in consideration of the maximum number of students accepted on the course.  

Admission is based on the following prerequisites: 

  1. 60 credits from relevant studies in media production, marketing, journalism, photography and/or outdoor life. 

  1. Study participation requires good knowledge of the English language. 

The university college has camera equipment to rent out, but we still encourage the students to have access to their own system camera with still photography and video capabilities suitable for on location media production work. 

You must have physical condition to participate in day trips in the mountains where you carry your own backpack and equipment. 

Om emnet

Do you enjoy being in nature, outdoor activities and producing media content? This course aims to explore the interaction between mediated communication and its representations of outdoor activities and experiences.  

The course supplies students with practical skills and knowledge to effectively identify and communicate activities and experiences in nature through video and photography. The students will acquire competence in media production that is appropriate for various outdoor situations. Throughout the course students will be introduced to various technical equipment to mediate outdoor experiences and activitites. Students will experience different situations and scenarios dependant on which assignments and trips are arranged in the academic year in question. 

The students can decide to have a documentary approach where nature can be a character and/or the surroundings for a character, or to produce corporate marketing productions for tourist destinations and/or marketing for outdoor activities. 

The course takes full advantage of the breathtaking surroundings of Volda University College, uniquely located between dramatic fjords and rugged mountains on the northwest coast of Norway.  


In accordance with the National Qualifications Framework the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes after completing the course: 


The student will have knowledge about 

  • how to create narratives about nature and outdoor activities with video and photography – documentary or content marketing.  
  • video and photography equipment suitable for different outdoor situations.  
  • safety for both people and equipment in various outdoor situations. 
  • how to capture sound in outdoor conditions, and utilize the different techniques in different ways 
  • how to utilize different natural light conditions in the best possible way 

The student will have skills in 

  • producing narratives about nature and outdoor activities with video and photo – documentary or content marketing. 
  • deciding and choosing appropriate storytelling techniques for the content format 
  • carry out safety analyses, and handle equipment in various situations in a safe manner 
  • capturing sound in outdoor conditions, and utilizing the different techniques for the right conditions 
  • working with different lighting conditions, and to utilize the natural light in the best way. 
Generell kompetanse

The student will have 

  • competence in mediating and communicating nature and nature-based activities and experiences through photography and video. 
  • competence in team and group work, and organizational skills. 
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåtar

The course will consist of different work methods including lectures, workshops, hikes/trips, practical exercises, self-study, individual work, and group work.  

There will be organized trips in the local region during the semester, there can be different trips every year, and each trip has a specific learning outcome. 

Parts of the program can be implemented as e-learning modules and screen-based teaching and guidance. 

The course will be taught in English if there are exchange students participating.  

Vilkår for å framstille seg til eksamen

Attendance requirements:

The student must have approved attendance in all scheduled activities to be allowed to take the final exam. 

Assessment requirements:

  1. Producing two videos (between 30 seconds and 10 minutes) and/or photo stories with individual reports of 1000 words each (+/- 10%). The media products may be produced in groups or individually, depending on the specifics of each assignment. Written work requirements may be written in Norwegian or English. 
  2. Fill out the evaluation form of the course (done anonymously). 

All assignments must be handed in and approved by the deadlines given. 

Arnbjørg Åmdal Aagesen
Emnet inngår i følgande studieprogram
  • Medieproduksjon - bachelor
1 semester
Stått eller ikkje stått
To medieproduksjoner: videoer (mellom 30 sekund og 10 minutt) og/eller fotofortellinger med individuell skriftlig rapport på 1000 sider (+/- 10%) for hver produksjon.