Student exchange in spring not ruled out

Tekst: Per Straume

- Oppdatert

In line with the recommendation from the Ministry of Education and following the majority of other universities and colleges in Norway, Volda University College has decided to still open for student motility to partner universities in Europe for the spring semester of 2021. Student mobility outside Europe has been cancelled.

– We do not know how the situation will be months from now. Therefore we wish to keep the possibilities open in case students can still benefit from the valuable experience of studying abroad. However, there are great uncertainties to how the situation will evolve. The development of the pandemic, as well as, regulations made by partner universities and/or governments in the relevant countries, may force us to cancel student mobility at a later time, says VUC Director Karen Lomeland Jacobsen.

Few students

Not more than approximately 20 students are still considering exchange to Europe next spring. VUC will maintain close contact with these students going forwards. The students must be made aware of their rights and possibilities, especially with regards to an early return or inability to complete the exchange semester. We will strive to provide the best possible academic offer for the students and help them complete their studies in time.

The low number of outbound students, and the fact that there are available student apartments, makes it easier for us to find alternative accommodation in case outbound student exchange has to be cancelled now or at a later point. 

Inbound student exchange not decided

There has not yet been a final decision on study trips, internships abroad and incoming student exchange for spring 2021. The VUC Crisis Board is in dialogue with local authorities to discuss details such as specific regulations for quarantine and Covid-19 testing of incoming students. 

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