
  • Opening om the student boathouse

    Student boat house: a gem by the lake


    The sun was shining and the mood was excellent, as the the former leader of the Student Parliament, Ammy Bolme, had the honor of cutting the cord and opening the brand new boathouse at lake Rotevatnet.

  • Symposion network in Volda.

    Meeting of European teacher educators in Volda


    Some 30 representatives from teacher training programmes in Europe gathered in Volda in May to share experiences and ideas. They were full of praise for VUC, the student town and the Norwegian schools.

  • Phillip and Christine enjoy the practical nature of the journalism programme at Volda University College (VUC). Photo: VUC / Steinarr Sommerset.

    Practical experience gives students an edge


    Phillip hopes to become a professional entertainer, while Christine is living the dream of becoming a journalist. Plenty of hands-on experience give the students at Volda University College a flying start to their media careers.

  • New PhD programme accredited


    VUC has recently received the accreditation for the first internal doctoral programme "Education, language and culture" which may start up in the 2025/26 academic year. This programme will be the second doctoral programme since VUC already offers a the PhD programme in health & social sciences joint with Molde University College.

  • Internasjonal dag ved Høgskulen i Volda

    Join us for the International day 2024


    Wednesday February 7th, the VUC cafeteria will be transformed into a vibrant and exotic fair with colorful stands, exotic food, and entertainment by international students. The event starts at 11:00 and is free for everyone

  • Skjermbilde av KI-Chat

    VUC launches AI-Chat


    Volda University College (VUC) is investing in artificial intelligence (AI) and has entered into an agreement with SIKT for AI chat for employees and students.

  • Students i Volda playing in the snow

    Near and Dear in Volda

    Feeling seen, proximity, security and a leisure filled with enjoyable activities are things students highly value. They get that in addition to a solid education and friends for life here at Volda University College.

  • Veronika showing her food case

    Veronika from Latvia is this year's food blogger 2023


    "I'm shocked", Veronika exclaims when she realizes that she's the winner of a total of three awards and nearly did a clean sweep, during the selection of this year's food blogs in the Norwegian Food Culture course.

  • Siv M. Gamlem, professor at VUC.

    VUC expert recruited to prestigious Finnish project


    Siv M. Gamlem, Professor in Education, has several irons in the fire internationally. Now the VUC profile has been invited as an expert in a large Finnish research project that has just "hit the jackpot" in terms of funding.