Seminar om kulturmøte: “The view from across the North Sea”

Tekst: Webmaster Volda

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TID: Onsdag 21. februar, kl. 18.15.
STAD: Berte Kanutte-huset, seminarrom 158.

“The view from across the North Sea”
- 19th century Norway seen through Scottish eyes

The historical and cultural links between Scotland and Norway, especially of the medieval period, are well-known. Indeed, it has been argued that Scotland owes its very existence as a nation to the Norse invasions, which forced a defensive unity between previously diverse tribes.

More recent connections, paradoxically, have remained obscure. This paper will highlight the varied social and cultural connections between Scotland and Norway from c. 1814 to 1905. It will discuss ideas of 'the north' especially in relation to the Victorian obsession with Lapland and the Scottish Highlands. It will also examine the ways in which Norway was seen as a social or political 'role model' for various types of reform groups, from land reformers to nationalists. Religion, both through mutual discourse and missionary activity, is also an important theme. Finally, the tourist boom of the latter part of the century was important in bringing an image of Norway into the lifes of many ordinary Scots.

Dr. Andrew Newby er universitetslektor ved The University of Edinburgh, med skotsk historie som spesialfelt. Han har også arbeida mykje med nordisk historie, og har eit lengre forskingsopphald i Helsinki bak seg. Han samarbeidar med Birger Løvlie ved Religion, livssyn og kyrkjefag om eit prosjekt om kulturmøte mellom Skottland og Norden på 1800-tallet. Les meir om Dr. Newby

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