ITS Volda 2021

Back to school – lessons learned from the pandemic. 
How can it change the classroom of tomorrow?

What:     An international conference for teacher training students
When:    April 20-21, 2021
Where:   Online-conference – Zoom

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused some of the most rapid and fundamental changes to education and teaching we have seen in times of peace. Literally overnight, schools had to shift from physical teaching to online teaching. Even as pupils are allowed to return to the classroom, hygiene regulations and social distancing requirements still dominate school life.

ITS Volda 2021 does not want to dwell on the difficulties and hardship brought by the pandemic, but rather look to the future. What has education under the pandemic taught us? What elements and processes should we hold on to? What elements have we missed, taken for granted, and should increase our attention to in the future? How do we think this will affect the school of tomorrow?

ITS Volda 2021 will look at lessons learned from the pandemic in terms of:
a)    Social and relational aspects of education
b)    Digitalization and the use of technology in education
c)    Limitations of distance education in various subjects and for different groups

 ITS Volda-Conference
20-21 April 2021logo

