ITS Volda programme

Tuesday April 20 

09:30 - 10:00

Opening of ITS Volda 2021
Meet and greet. Screening of videos from participating institutions.

10:00 - 11:00

Theme 1: How schools and higher education have dealt with the pandemic 
Austria: Anita Konrad, Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol
Denmark: Louise Flege, University College Absalon
Finland: Jan-Erik Romar, Åbo Akademi University
Norway: Eivind Hanevik, Volda University College

Experiences with digital teaching and learning in Danish higher education
Anne-Mette Nortvig, University College Absalon

11:00 - 11:15Coffee break
11:15 - 12:00Student group work 1
Introduction in groups. Discussing the reflection questions for theme 1.
12:00 - 12:30Lunch break
12:30 - 13:30

Theme 2: The social and relational aspect of education during the pandemic

School refusal ("skolevegring/schulverweigerung") during the pandemic
Trude Havik, University of Stavanger

The social and relational impact of the pandemic - experiences from Danish schools 
Jens Pietras, University College Absalon

13:30 - 13:40Coffee break
13:40 - 14:30

Student group work 2
Discussing the reflection questions for theme 2.

Wednesday April 21

09:30 - 10:30

Theme 3: Aspects of digitalization and the use of technology in schools

Digitalization in schools - competencies for future teachers
Synnøve Hedemann Amdam & Joakim Olsson, Volda University College

Possibilities and experiences with digital teaching in Arts & Crafts
Helle Helsinghof, University College Absalon

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 - 11:30Student group work 3
Discussing the reflection questions from theme 3.
11:30 - 12:00Lunch break
12:00 - 13:20

Theme 4: The limitations of distance education and digital teaching

The pupils' experience from lockdown–  a survey from an Austrian primary school
Walter Vigl, Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol

Experiences with outdoor schooling in Denmark during the pandemic
Dorrit Hansen, University College Absalon

The effects of school closures on student learning.
Marte Blikstad-Balas, University of Oslo

13:20 - 13:30Coffee break
13:30 - 14:15

Student group work 4
Discussing the reflection questions for theme 4.

14:15 - 14:30Conference closing remarks


Presenters and Key Note speakers

Anita Konrad - Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol

Anita Konrad ITS Volda 2021Anita Konrad has been a lecturer and staff member at the PHT, University College of Teacher Education Tyrol, since 2013. She teaches subjects ranging from literature and science in primary school to European education policy and Global Education. As a staff member of the International Office, she is responsible for Erasmus+ incoming students. With a degree in Comparative Literature and German Studies, she has worked in various educational institutions and fields (librarianship, adult education), cultural and international project management.

Louise Flege - University College Absalon

Louise Flege ITS Volda 2021Louise Flege is an associate professor of English and International Coordinator for teacher education at University College Absalon. Louise Flege has a Master’s Degree in English and Danish as well as a teacher degree and taught for many years in compulsory schools in Denmark. Louise Flege is now working with internationalization taking care of all incoming and outgoing students at Absalon.

Jan-Erik Romar - Åbo Akademi University

Jan Erik Romar ITS Volda 2021Jan-Erik Romar is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education and Welfare studies at Åbo Akademi, Finland. His PhD is from The Ohio State University in Education, specializing in teaching physical education. He has been involved in action research projects with implementing model based instruction in the physical education context. His main research interests are related to teacher knowledge development, physical activity in school and coach education.

Eivind Patrick Hanevik - Volda University College

Eivind Patrick Hanevik_Foto Tone SolhaugEivind Patrick Hanevik is the Head of programme for the Master in Teacher Education at Volda University College. Prior he held a teaching position in Natural Sciences at the same department. His academic background is in geosciences and he has also several years of industry experience. Hanevik is a member of the ITS Volda organizing group for the 2021 conference.

Anne-Mette Nortvig - University College Absalon

Anne Mette NortvigAnne-Mette Nortvig is an associate professor, Ph.D., at University College Absalon in Denmark. Nortvig has taught Religious Education in teacher education since 2001, and she has done research in technology enhanced teaching and learning. Nortvig has published more than 40 articles and papers in the area of teaching and learning in various formats of both offline and online educational settings.

Trude Havik - University of Stavanger

Trude Havik ITS Volda 2021_Photo: Jeanette Larsen, UiSTrude Havik is an associate professor at the University of Stavanger. Havik completed her PhD on the subject of school absence and the school's role in school refusal. She has written the book «School absence [Skolefravær]» (2018) and several other book chapters on this topic. Her research also focuses on classroom interactions, student engagement and relationships between students. She has work experience from pedagocial psyschological services and primary school.

Jan Pietras - University College Absalon

Jens Pietras ITS Volda 2021Jens Pietras is an associate professor in history and history didactics at University College Absalon, Department of Teacher Training, Roskilde, Denmark. He has been teaching students for more than 25 years and authored history books e.g. about the viking age and more didactical books/articles. He also supervises 2 private schools for the Ministery of Education in Denmark.

Helle Helsinghof - University College Absalon

Helle Helsinghof ITS Volda 2021Helle Helsinghof is an associate professor at University College Absalon in Denmark. Helle Helsinghoff is educated as a Production designer and Master of arts in educational theory and curriculum studies. Helsinghof has taught in craft and design at the teacher education since 2015, and since 2018 online settings in practice-based skills with focus on how to create authentic and engaging learning designs for the students.

Walter Vigl - Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol

Walter Vigl ITS Volda 2021Walter Vigl is a teacher of a Montessori class and lecturer at the Pedagogical University of Tyrol, Austria. His focus is on Montessori pedagogy, teaching in mixed-year classes and inclusion. Walter has been teaching for over 25 years, including being a development worker in Zimbabwe for 3 years and teaching his children himself during a one-year trip around the world.

Dorrit Hansen - University College Absalon

Dorrit Hansen ITS Volda 2021Dorrit Hansen is an associate professor at University College Absalon in Denmark. Dorrit is educated as a biologist and nature interpreter. She has been working with outdoor schooling for 25 years, in a mix of teaching science to schoolchildren and doing various teacher training. Dorrit has followed the development of outdoor schooling in Denmark during the pandemic, e.g. through dialogues with teachers attending outdoor schooling courses.

Marte Blikstad-Balas - University of Oslo

Marte Blikstad-Balas ITS Volda 2021Marte Blikstad-Balas is a professor at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research at the University of Oslo, Norway.  She is also Vice Director of the Nordic Centre of Excellende QUINT (Quality in Nordic Teaching). Her research intrests are literacy and how digitalizations changes what it means to be a student and a teacher. She has published many academic articles on this topic, most recently the article "Still a long way to go - narrow and transmissive use of technology in the classroom" with her colleague Kirsti Klette.

Synnøve Hedemann Amdam - Volda University College

ITS Volda 2021 Synnøve Hedemann AmdamSynnøve Amdam is an assistant professor in digital literacy and project leader for DigiGLU – Digital competence in 1.-10. teacher education at Volda University College, Norway (VUC). She is also the leader of Læringsverkstaden, the center for digital teaching and learning, at VUC. Her research interests are in digital and media literacy, and how leaders and teachers perceive digitalization, and affordances and epistemic practices of teaching and learning in technology-rich environments.


Joakim Olsson - Volda University College

ITS Volda 2021 Joakim OlssonJoakim Olsson is currently studying for a Master’s degree in the didactics of mathematics at Volda University College and is working part time as a lecturer in the pedagogical and didactical use of digital tools in education. Working as a student assistant, he has been part of the founding team of Læringsverkstaden, the center for digital teaching and learning at Volda University College. The topic of his Master's thesis is the the teaching of democracy and citizenship in matheamtics