Lunsjforedrag i biblioteket


Theodoros Rakopoulos, førsteamanuensis i sosialantropologi ved Universitetet i Oslo, vil presentere sitt nye prosjekt som handlar om korleis folk som tilhøyrer den globale eliten kan kjøpe seg tilhøyrigheit i EU gjennom ordningar der statar som Kypros tilbyr statsborgarskap til investorar og kva følgar dette kan få. Foredraget vert gitt på engelsk.

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EU citizenship by investment?

“Passport purchase”, tax evasion, and elite mobility in a changing European Union

Dr. Theodoros Rakopoulos will discuss his new project, which aims to establish a clear definition of “EU citizenship” in the face of change. The project particularly aims to explore the dynamics of transnational citizenship in the current globalization predicament, by analysing the strategies of global elites (especially Russian and Chinese) to “purchase” EU citizenship through a policy scheme offered by countries like Cyprus called “citizenship by investment”. The paper will focus on the policy premise and the polity repercussions of the scheme.

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