International cooking show on Volda Student-TV

Tekst: Webmaster Volda

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First episode of the TV show is being filmed Thursday, 15th March, on campus. Kjell Holby (associate coordinator at the International office) and Cecilie Wilhelmsen (head of the International Office) will prepare and cook from scratch Norwegian fish cakes.

On the Facebook side of the show, entitled “Cook with”, the organizers and producers announced:

- The time has come to not just taste the food in some international night but also get the recipe, hear the story about it and get to know the people.
This Saturday will be our first episode which we would like to call Pilot, because it will be our first time and we don't know how exactly it will end.
I won't say anything else, just come back here Saturday 21:00 CET.

The programme will premiere, world-wide (as announced on the Facebook page), Saturday, the 17th March, at 21.00 o’clock.


Student-TV and International office support the initiative

At VUC, the international community has expanded greatly in the last years, to the point where today, students form more than 20 countries walk the corridors of the university college. Huge cultural and social differences are balanced with the help of international club nights, and other common activities, but the team behind the “Cook with” project thought a cooking show might just being students one step closer to eating healthy, varied and international.

International office at VUC is covering the costs for the ingredients and any cooking material which might be needed during the filming. The main idea is to prepare delicious, healthy and varied food, on the smallest budget.

For updates about the TV programme, follow their Facebook page: Cook with47360fc2f027331d3346cf4f52a978b80a08d870

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