IKF207 Nature Guiding as a Profession

1 semester
Bachelor (fordjupingsnivå)
2024 Haust
Emnenavn på engelsk: 
Nature Guiding as a Profession
Emnenavn på bokmål: 
Nature Guiding as a Profession
2024 Haust
Forkunnskapskrav, emneliste
IKF106 Friluftsliv 1
IKF107 Friluftsliv 2
Krav til forkunnskapar

For international exchange students: Obligatory motivation letter, detailing background and experience. See more information about motivation letter, and required background and experience here

Om emnet

The course will provide a theoretical foundation for the role of a guide, for guiding activities as a sustainable travel and tourism product, using theories from experience design. The course aims to offer students an insight into guiding as a profession and the skills required to reflect on and execute good guiding practice.


In compliance with the National Qualifications Framework, the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes after successfully completing the course:


The student

  • will acquire knowledge about the place of the guide in travel and tourism and about various aspects of the Norwegian travel and tourism.
  • will acquire knowledge of terms such as «nature-based tourism», «value-based guiding», «slow experiences» – also in a natural-philosophical context
  • will have an awareness of what «nature experience» involves in general well-being and as a tourism product
  • will be acquainted with the roles of a guide / outdoor leader as host and educator

The student

  • is able to organize and manage guests, among other things on the basis of group psychology and by practicing transparent guiding as an overarching approach
  • is able to design good experiences for guests whose different preconditions and needs must be met
  • is able to plan and market integrated nature guide products that have a commercial value, based on good experience design and sustainability.
Generell kompetanse

The student

  • can reflect over and use a nature guide´s and outdoor leader´s overall knowledge and working methods
  • has acquired competence into the art of guiding and outdoor leadership and the skills necessary to work professionally
  • can contribute to a responsible and sustainable practice in the field of nature guiding and outdoor leadership
  • can demonstrate professional behavior and a professional presence
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåtar

The course of study will alternate between lectures, study of literature from the field, digital studies, discussions and seminars, where students will also be expected to participate in academic presentations.   

The teaching presupposes that the students will take responsibility for their own learning and development.

Vilkår for å framstille seg til eksamen

Attendance requirements

Approved attendance at compulsory teaching. The semester plan specifies the scope of the compulsory parts of the programme of study.  

Coursework requirements

  • Approved assignment related to the practice of nature guiding as a profession, approx 1000 words.

The student can answer coursework requirements either in English or a Scandinavian language (Norwegian, Danish, Swedish).

Evaluering og kvalitetssikring

The course will be evaluated in accordance with Volda University College’s system of quality assurance

Einar Løken
Emnet inngår i følgande studieprogram
  • Friluftsliv og naturguide - bachelor
4 Dagar
A-F, der A er best og E er siste ståkarakter
Digital eksamen. The student can answer individual exam in English or a Scandinavian language (Norwegian, Danish, Swedish).
Godkjent av: 
Unni Hagen