1st week in Volda

Tekst: Webmaster Volda

We wish you a warm welcome as a student at Volda University College and will do our best to make your stay an enjoyable and successful one. We strongly recommend you to take part in all the various events going on and around campus. For more information please visit “Pangaia” – our international meeting point – in ground floor Berte Kanutte. We will be waiting for you there!

Tuesday August 15th

12.00: Official opening of the semester at the canteen in the Berte Kanutte building (BK)

13.00: Erasmus and Erasmus Link students meet at room BK 220, 1st floor Berte Kanutte building directly after the opening ceremony

13.30: NUS students meet at BK 157

Afterwards students will take you around campus and in the centre of Volda. You will end up at the student pub at Rokken, which will be open all day. Later on vorspiel will be arranged at the house of the assisting students.

22.30Concert by Kaizers Orchestra at Rokken

Wednesday August 16th:

All day: Various activities and presentation of organizations/stands at Berte Kanutte hall.

Disco at Rokken in the evening

Thursday August 17th:

Café at Rokken

17.00: All new international students are invited to a welcoming party at Rokken – free food and drinks (an international buffet). Please be there on time! Besides the meal you will get lots of useful information and meet staff and your fellow students.

Friday August 18th:

17.00: Grill party outside Berte Kanutte. Free food from Rema, Mega, Rimi and Spar, soft drinks from Brænne).

21.00: Events at Rokken

Saturday August 19th:

21.00: Big party at Rokken

Sunday August 20th:

Family events at Rokken – more info to come

Responsible for the week

Espen Gundersen – mobile 46661252

E-mail: fadder06@gmail.com

Contact persons for international students:

International coordinator/head of international office: Cecilie Wilhelmsen, 70075120, mobile 41564789.

E-mail: cw@hivolda.no. Please come and visit me on 3rd floor Berte Kanutte (BK 362) or meet me in Pangaia!

Assistant International office: Alexandra Zoltai, Pangaia, 70075080

Int. coord. teacher training: Kjell Holby: 70075307. E-mail: kho@hivolda.no

Int. coord. media dept.: Thomas Lewe: 70075145, e.mail: leve@hivolda.no

Int. coord. social sciences: Ingun Klepp: 70075196, e.mail: ik@hivolda.no

Int. coord. humanities: Howard Medland: 70075038, e.mail: howardm@hivolda.no

NUS-students: Coordinator Ragnhild Korsbrekke, 70075115, RagniKo@hivolda.no

International student’s representative: Marte C. W. Solheim: 97002235, mail: martecws@hotmail.com

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