International day kicks off this week

Tekst: Webmaster Volda

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International day has become a part of the Week 2006, which is arranged from 3.2 – 11.2.
International day attracts a lot of visitors from universities that have students from Volda this semester, and this is how the exhibition has come together.

Ayan was until recently vice-rector at Mimar Sinan universitet in Istanbul, where students from Volda attend. Ayan is now head of the Arts Department.

The exhibition opens 8th February with an open vernisage at 7 p.m.(19.00).

- Students and others with an interest for art have a unique chance to get familiar with exotic art from another part of the world, says Wilhelmsen and hopes a lot of people will come.

Also: Volda størst på studentutveksling (ekstern lenke til

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