Board decision in the structure debate
This is a preliminary version of the Board decision made on October 30th. The Board approves protocol at the next board meeting.
1) Volda University College takes the initiative to immediately create a group of representatives from Molde University College, Lillehammer University College and Volda University College to prepare a more closely description of the Alliance Model that may be presented to the Ministry of Education.
The group will explain how the model can meet:
- The institutions own and national quality criterias
- The national effects
- Management and organization
- Workflow and concentration (academic and administrative)
- ROS-analysis
2) Sogn og Fjordane University College are invited as alliance partner and to participate in the statement above.
3) The headmastership is authorized to start discussions based on the invitation from the University of Bergen.
Video from the board meeting can be watched on Youtube (norwegian only).