Goodbye Volda

Friday, 29th May, the international students went on a final trip to the bird island Runde. The time has come to say goodbye to each other and to Norwegian nature.

Dace Indrika (25), Anna Maskava, Ieva Vincevica (21) and Baiba Rezgale (22) from Latvia are trying to blend in with the birds

It’s approaching June and there are only few days left for the international students in Volda. The International office, in collaboration with Pangaia, arranged a final trip for the international students to the bird island Runde. Here they were able to enjoy their last days in Norway and spend some extra time together.

Dace Indrika (25) and Ieva Vincevica (21) enjoying the view

– Here in Volda I felt like in another dimension. I am used to live in a big city  where people are always in a hurry. In Volda I didn’t have to rush and I got more time for myself, Ieva says.

– I will miss the peaceful and easygoing attitude and the wonderful nature, Dace adds. In Volda you have time to go to the swimming pool, to the forest or simply jog around the lake. This is hard to find time for in a busy and active city-life.

– The trip to Runde was great. I have not been there before, and after this trip this is one more place I would like to go back to and visit again. Still I wish we got better weather because then we could take a trip with the boat, Dace explains.
In Runde, the students spent the night in Runde Environmental Centre, which is an international environmental science station, information center and a meeting place for courses, seminars and conferences.  

Even though the girls have had a wonderful time in Volda, they are still looking forward to go back home.

– When I'm back in Latvia I will meet my family and friends, and one of the first thing I am going to do is to have a party with the people I have not seen in a while, says Dace with a smile.

Runde is famous for its enormous amount of birds. It is said that there are about 500,000 to 700,000 seabirds inhabiting the island, most of them are to be found in the cliffs

Spanish and Australian girls are making taco for dinner

International students relax after climbing Rundeinden


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