
ANT264 Animasjonsteori 4: Tverrfagligheit

1 semester
Bachelor (fordjupingsnivå)
2026 Vår
2026 Vår
Norsk og engelsk
Forkunnskapskrav, emneliste
ANT263 Animasjonsteori 3: Animasjon og verda
Krav til forkunnskapar

Admission for exchange students is based exclusively on portfolio assessment. All exchange students must submit a link to their online portfolio, together with the application documents.

Om emnet

This course offers students an opportunity to deepen their understanding of animation and its connections to other disciplines. Through a combination of lectures, workshops, activities, or hands-on projects, students will explore perspectives beyond traditional animation, focusing on its interdisciplinary applications across various media arts. The course highlights the increasing convergence of animation with related fields, framing it as a dynamic, evolving practice, art form, and conceptual tool. Students will investigate how animation is applied in diverse areas such as video games, motion design, contemporary art, science, or education, while also gaining insights into the wide range of fields and professions where their skills can be utilized. This course is closely integrated with, and complements, Animation 4. 


In accordance with the National Qualifications Framework the student will have following learning outcome after completing the course:


The students will have knowledge of 

  • perspectives outside of conventional animation practices 

  • animation as an interdisciplinary practice and concept 


The students will be able to 

  • Exploring animation within a broader and evolving field of practice 

  • Challenging conventional boundaries between disciplines 

  • Identifying and considering current and future trends in media arts and related fields 

Generell kompetanse

The students will 

  • have awareness and knowledge of the interdisciplinary and open-ended potential of the role of an animator 

  • be able to recognize the prospects and potentials of the cross-pollination between animation and other fields  

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåtar

The course is organized through lectures/seminars/activities. Aside from the possibility of including some practical elements in this course, it also runs parallel to the practical module ANI264, and therefore, can be used to inform and reflect on the practical production in that module. Students will work on different assignments throughout this course, which should be delivered in a final portfolio exam including 

  • a creative artifact in a format described by the course coordinator: 

  • a written report as described by the course coordinator 

Vilkår for å framstille seg til eksamen
  • Grading is carried out in accordance with Section 9-4 of the Regulations on Admission, Studies, and Examinations at Volda University College. 
  • The student shall also deliver an evaluation of the course. This evaluation will be conducted anonymously.

Mohammad Javad Khajavi
Emnet inngår i følgande studieprogram
  • Animasjon - bachelor
1 semester
A-F, der A er best og E er siste ståkarakter
Portfolio content:
• A creative artifact in one of the following forms:
o Video (10-30 seconds)
o Images (2-10 images)
o Web page/blog (50-500 words)
• A written report (300-1000 words)
Godkjent av: 
Kate Kartveit