
MD201 Strategic Design

1 semester
Bachelor (fordjupingsnivå)
2020 Haust
Emnenavn på engelsk: 
Strategic Design
Emnenavn på bokmål: 
Strategic design
2020 Haust

Compendium will be available.

Krav til forkunnskapar

One year of academic education (preferably in media studies, design studies, cultural studies or social studies). The course is taught in English (sufficient mastery of the English language is required). Students failing to attend the first lecture without valid reason will be excluded. VUC reserves non-commercial user rights to work submitted during the course.

Om emnet

Strategic design is about crafting decision-making, guiding strategy development and implementation toward innovative outcomes that benefit people and organizations alike.


In accordance with the National Qualifications Framework the student will achieve the following learning outcomes after completing the course:


The students

  • will know about different analytic models for branding and visual / strategic planning
  • will know about different relevant theories connected to this field, and about presentation techniques
  • will know how to implement visualisation in an overall strategy

The students will

  • have acquired extended skills in strategic planning, including concept development and diverse strategic techniques related to sender -, target group - and message perspectives
Generell kompetanse

The students will 

  • have aquired understanding of strategic planning models and its implementation in an overall strategy and its visual presentation
  • have developed versatile knowledge for different target groups and customers
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåtar

By way of an analytical pilot project, the students themselves draw up the framework for their practical strategic work. Emphasis will be placed on a detailed presentation of these terms of reference, so that the subsequent process is firmly anchored on this basis. The final product is an individual written report. The report is based on a group presentation in front of the class, containing a strategy plan for an event, service or a brand. For the most, there will be one weekly meeting with lectures, group meetings or seminars. After the group presentations, the students will continue working on the final product individually. Minor seminars including lectures and assignments might be given. Some lectures may take place at evening time and/or during weekends (own timetable will be supplied).

Vilkår for å framstille seg til eksamen

Hand-ins and presentations (individual and in groups) throughout the course (ref. own timetable).

Thomas Lewe
Emnet inngår i følgande studieprogram
  • Bachelor i mediedesign
  • Journalistikk, spesialisering avis/nett
  • Journalistikk, spesialisering tv/radio
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
A-F, der A er best og E er siste ståkarakter
The course will be assessed on the basis of an individual analysis (hand-in) and additionally on an individual written report consisting of the groups presentation (visuals and commentaries) and own, individual enhancements/additions, followed by a project report, outlining required theory, the strategy of the project and an evaluation of the students’ own efforts. All assessment and examination work must be done in english.
Individual analyses approximately 1500 words. Final group presentation approximately 20 minutes. Individual Project report approximately 4 000 words.
Godkjent av: 
Odd Ragnar Hunnes 27.02.20