
MMP311 Risk Communication and Issue Management

1 semester
2018 Vår
2018 Vår
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The course is open access to all students with a relevant bachelor’s degree or equivalent in accordance with the requirements of the Post graduate degree in Media Practise at Volda University College

Om emnet

The course contextualises Risk Communication, Issues and Crisis Management as a vital part in understanding Strategic Communication, Public Relations and Journalism covering crisis. The course will give a visual and case-oriented presentation of the key concepts of Issues Management, Risk Communication, Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategic Communication, Media and Public Relations.

An important perspective will also be how the concept of Risk Society Theory presents both an historic background and a contemporary model in assessing these issues. Issue Management refers to the systematic assessment of an organisation concerning its environment in large. It can be a company, but also public authorities, political parties or associations, whose aims are to identify any issues that can inflict the public’s lives or other organization-related issues at an early stage. The organisations objective is to react accordingly, by participation in the public opinion-forming process or by adapting the organisation policy. Often the goal is to address the public discourse thru the media and can address subjects in the public debate


In accordance with the National Qualifications Framework the student will achieve the following learning outcomes after completing the course:

  1. has extensive insight in the development of communication, media and public relations, risk communication, issues management and policy making
  2. has advanced knowledge within the academic field of risk, issues and crisis management
  3. has extensive knowledge about risk, issues and crisis communication
  4. has extensive knowledge about post crisis concerns, including containment and recovery
  5. has extensive knowledge about emergency preparedness and community responses to risk and crisis

a.    can assess practical work within risk, issues and crisis management 
b.    can plan and participate in a crisis management exercise

Generell kompetanse

Can analyse academic problems based on the history, traditions, distinctive character and place in society of the academic field of issues and crisis management, and thus be able to apply that knowledge in to their own future professional work

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåtar

The course plan covers 15 hours of lectures. Attendance is compulsory for two weeks of intensive teaching, including group exercises with project work and one crisis management exercise. Regulations governing studies and examinations at Volda University College attendance/participation do apply.

Vilkår for å framstille seg til eksamen
  1. Presentation of Examination Project
  2. Participation in group exercises with project work
  3. Course evaluation

Examination results are executed in accordance with the Directive for Admission, Studies and Examination at Volda University College, (

Evaluering og kvalitetssikring

The course will be evaluated in accordance with Volda University College’s quality assurance system  (

Kristian Fuglseth
Burcu Peksevgen
Emnet inngår i følgande studieprogram
  • Samfunnsplanlegging og leiing - master
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
10 Dagar
A-F, der A er best og E er siste ståkarakter
3 500–5 000 words in Times New Roman, 12 point and spacing 1,5 of:
a. An Academic Essay, or
b. An Academic Evaluation Assessment of a Crisis Exercise