Management, responsibilities and roles

Overall responsibility 

The Board of the university college has the overall responsibility for the quality system at VUC and handles the annual report on quality for education.

Employees: Responsibilities and roles

Rector and pro-rector

The Rector is responsible for the quality of the college's education program. The Rectorate is responsible for the day-to-day follow-up of the quality system. They are also responsible for the establishing and implementation of skills development measures for academic employees.

The Director

The Director is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the quality system. The Director is also responsible for the quality of the administrative units linked to the quality of education.

The Director of Academic Affairs

The Director of Academic Affairs has the overall responsibility for the quality work associated with the VUC education administrative support services. The Director of Academic Affairs, in collaboration with the departments, will initiate an internal evaluation of the education program at the university college in order to ensure the quality of the education. The Director of Academic Affairs shall prepare statistics and analyses that the faculties can use in their quality work.

The Human Resources Manager

The Human Resources Manager has the overarching responsibility for ensuring that employments are made in accordance with the quality system and current regulations.


The dean has the overall responsibility for the quality work and to provide quality culture in the faculty, including:

  • to organize the faculty's quality work, and to write and publish the chosen arrangements for employees and students
  • ensure that the evaluations have been completed and that the results are followed up by the relevant forums and the Faculty Council

Programme Leader/Head of Studies (Programansvarleg/studieleiar)

The main responsibility of the Programme leader/Head of studies is to coordinate planning, follow-up and assessment of the programme.

More specifically, this means:

1. an overall plan for the programme is made and adequately announced

a. proper marketing of the programme is carried out, in consultation with the course convenor (s), the Head of Department and the faculty management

b. teachers (lecturers, advisors etc.) and examiners have been engaged for the courses, in consultation with the coordinator, the course convenor (s) and the Head of Department

c. plan within the given framework of resources and, if necessary, give feedback to the Head of Department for resources needed to complete the course


2. Coordinate the cooperation between the course convenors on the implementation of the programme

a. follow up the learning outcome and the fulfillment of target figures for the programme

b. join and develop academic networks relevant to the programme

c. follow up students in matters relevant to the programme


3. Systematic assessment of the programme

a. follow up issues raised in the student councils in the various courses within the programme

b. write the program report that accompanies the academic year and send it to the Head of Department

c. coordinate the annual revision of the programme, including registration in EmWeb, in collaboration with the course convenor (s)

d. consider the need for major revision of the course, in dialogue with the course convenor (s) and the Head of Department.

The Course Convenor (Emneansvarleg)

The main responsibility of the Course convenor is to coordinate the planning, implementation and assessment of the course.

More specifically, this means:

1. an overall plan for the course (course plan and implementation plan) is made and adequately announced

a. proper marketing of the course is carried out, in consultation with the programme leader/head of studies, coordinator, Head of Department and faculty management

b. teachers (lecturers, advisors etc.) and examiners have been engaged for the course, in consultation with the programme leader/head of studies, Head of Department and coordinator

c. evaluation of current new literature on the course field, and, if necessary, revision of the curriculum

d. creation of course work requirements and examination questions for the course, and written sensor guidance for the assignments

e. to plan within the given resource frameworks and, if necessary, give feedback to the programme leader/head of studies and Head of Department for resource needs to complete the course


2. The daily follow-up and operation of the course

a. information throughout the semester about the organization and planned completion of the course to the students and employees

b. follow up students in matters relevant to the course

c. follow up those who have teaching assignments (teaching in groups, teaching online, guidance, etc.)


3. Systematic assessment of the course

a. in cases where the course has its own student council, meetings are conducted in accordance with the intention

b. write the course report that accompanies the academic year and send it to the programme leader/head of studies

c. contribute to the annual revision of the course, including registration in EmWeb, in collaboration with the programme leader/head of studies and coordinator

d. consider the need for a major revision of the course, In dialogue with the programme leader/head of studies and Head of Department.

The Lecturer (faglærar)

The Lecturer is responsible for providing research-based teaching, guidance and follow-up, and to contribute to the evaluation of education programmes and courses.

Students: Responsibilities and roles

The student

The students’ rights and duties are governed by the Universities and Colleges Act (Lov om universiteter og høgskoler) of April 1, 2005, No. 15, and by the Regulations on admission, study and examination at Volda University College (Forskrift om opptak, studium og eksamen ved Høgskulen i Volda).

The students are responsible for the development of the education quality at the university college. This will be done by representation in boards and committees, and through participation in student evaluations, well-being surveys, etc., facilitated by the college. Students are also responsible for complying with current regulations.

Student Council Member (Kvalitetsutvalsmedlem)

A member of the Student Council shall contribute to the evaluation of his/her subject / education programme.

The member of the Student Council shall contribute to the council on behalf of the students on their subject / education programme.

The Student Representantive (Tillitsvalt student)

The Student Representative is the link between a student group and a lecturer/course/programme leader. The representative may also be a member of the Student Council.

The Student parliament (Studentparlamentet)

The Student Parliament in Volda will work to improve the learning environment at the university college and ensure the students’ interests and rights, both academically and socially.


Key committees

At VUC we have the following key committees that have been assigned to quality assurance:


• The Strategic Education Committee (Strategisk studienemnd)

• The Learning Environment Committee (Læringsmiljøutval)

• The Research Committee (Forskingsutval)

• The International Committee (Internasjonalt utval)

• The Working Environment Committee (Arbeidsmiljøutval)

• The Appeals Committee (Klagenemnda)

The Faculty Council (Avdelingsråd)

The Faculty council shall handle the quality report from the faculty.

Student Council

The Student Council should be a forum for feedback and evaluation underway in the course of the education. It is also an aim that the students and teachers develop an academically critical attitude.


All educational programmes with more than one year of study (Bachelors and Master’s programmes) must have a Student Council in which students from all years/year groups are included.

It is optional to organize other Student Councils, regardless of the type of education/duration of courses.

For online students, there must be own evaluation plans, and it must be clearly stated in the programme description.

Doctoral Degree Committee for Health and Social Sciences (Doktorgradsutval for helse- og sosialfag)

The Doctoral Degree Committee for health and Social Sciences is responsible for quality assurance and development of study plans and course plans. The programme leader is responsible for devising a quality assessment report based on course evaluations, student council minutes and study programme evaluations. This quality report will be presented to the Doctoral Degree Committee for approval. The report shall be integrated into the overall quality report of the faculty.