Volda University College has a strong academic environment and good colleagues.
Personell Manager Odd-Reidar Kvalsund tlf.: 70 07 50 40, odd.reidar.kvalsund@hivolda.no
Possibly send mail to staff office
The application and all documentation must be sent electronically through the Job Recruitment System "JobbNorge" where you register the application, attachments and information about education and work experience. We also ask that you provide references with contact information. The application will provide a complete overview of education and early practice. Applications or attachments can not be sent by e-mail or in regular mail to the university college.
It is your responsibility to ensure that all documents / files are uploaded before the application deadline. The application will be evaluated using the information that is available electronically in Job Norway. Attachments must be uploaded as separate files in a format that can be placed electronically; PDF, PMG, JPEG, ODF, DOC. If attachments exceed 30 MB, they must be compressed before the host uploads. Attachments must have names that match the contents of the file.
The following documents / files should be attached to the electronic application for administrative settings:
• Diploma and certificates, collected in one file
The following documents / files must be attached to the electronic application for professional positions:
• Diploma and certificates, collected in one file
• CV
• Complete publication list of all science-based work
• Up to 10 scientific work that the candidate will have considered (including master's degree / master's thesis and possibly a doctoral dissertation)
For professional positions, the professional qualifications of the applicants will be assessed by an expert committee with three members. Displays the Employment and Promotion Regulations in Education and Research (KD 9.2.2006, with amendments 15.9.2015). www.lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2006-02-09-129. After the application deadline is out, the college will assess whether the applicants complete key areas of competence requirements for the position, the most qualified applicants will continue to assess an expert selection.
Applicants who are called for an interview must include originals of diplomas and attest to document the electronically submitted attachments.
In accordance with section 25 of the Public Procurement Act, applicants may request not to be listed on the public search list. Applicants who wish to make a reservation must under "Application" check for "Are there grounds for exclusion, comply with the Public Procurement Act?" As well as the application. The college can nevertheless decide that the applicant's name is to be published. The searcher will be notified if the request is not a sign to follow.
A few days after the application deadline is out, applicants will be able to access the expanded search list by signing in to their Job Search Account in JobNorge with usernames and passwords.