All you want to know about studying abroad

Be part of the most important internationalization day at Volda University College! Come to BK kantina, on the 6th of February, from 11:15 and watch a world of opportunities.

Volda University College has a broad portfolio of partner institutions around the world, and has been working continuously in maintaining the international exchange agreements.

Mobility and exchange are both important for students as well as for academics and administrative staff members. Steadily, the international students’ community has been growing for the last years and to mark the importance of internationalization in Volda, International day has been established.

International Day has offered the chance (for many years now) to local students to learn more about mobility at some of our partner universities around the Globe. With the help of international students on campus and honoured guests, VUC has shown every year how important it is to adapt and adjust to a colourful, diverse and rich in traditions world.


Approximately 100 international and local students will be present at the stands, displayed in the BK cafeteria, on Wednesday, 6th February, from 11:15 until 15:30. They will represent and present most of the European countries as well as many countries on other continents. The 26 intentional guests will offer first-hand information about possibilities of studying abroad for one or two semesters.

This years’ focus on international day is India. One of the fastest developing countries in Asia, an important business partner for Norway and an excellent destination for studying abroad, India will be the main topic in the key-note speakers’ programme as well. Rina Sunder, specialist in assisting Norwegian business make their debut on the Indian market, as well as a very important actor in building cultural bridges between the two nations, will speak from 12:00 about India in the Future: A growing superpower.

As always, the day will be spiced with music and dances from around the world - moments prepared by both Norwegian and international students, a free international lunch and the traditional student competition. Participants will have the chance to win a check for 8000,- NOK, to use visiting one of VUC’s partner institutions.

This years’ novelty are the parallel sessions, organized in three different rooms. Between 14:30 and 15:30, all Volda students and staff members are invited to participate in one of the information meetings, where guest and representatives from the international office will talk about applications, deadlines, fees, programmes etc.

For information about the exact time frame of the day, please have a look at the attached programme.d30a5be268ad1eeda188eaa3ba1e2f060aa4117c

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