This is Buddy Week 2020
Get to know the Buddy Board, see what happens at Buddy Week and get the best tips for a great student life in Volda.

Get to know the Buddy Board, see what happens at Buddy Week and get the best tips for a great student life in Volda.
Greetings from the head of Buddy Week:
- We are ready to welcome you to Volda! Arms open - one meter apart – and looking forward to get to know you!
My name is Helena, I am 24 years old and I study journalism, specializing in TV and radio. I love it! It might sound like a cliché, but I learn something new every day.
I am also in charge of Buddy Week 2020. Toghether with the rest of the board and all the buddies, we have a goal of giving all students a nice, safe and fun semester start. For a while, we did not know if we were able to have a Buddy Week at all. 2020 has been such a different year in many ways, and to be able to meet in person was not a given – so we are SO happy for the Buddy Week to actually happen this year.
The board has spent quite some time figuring out how to welcome you in the best way possible, and at the same time meet all security demands and infection control measures. Our answer has been to split Buddy Week in two parts.
WEEK 1 (18th – 23rd of August):
First part of Buddy Week goes down during semester start. Main focus for this week is to make sure new students get to know new class mates and Volda. Great buddies will meet you, taking good care of you and introduce you to all kinds of fun and games. The activities will take part in small groups, but there will also be a couple of larger arrangements – of course in line with infection control measures.
WEEK 2 (as soon as the authorities allows larger arrangements):
This week will be more like the Buddy Week of former years, with concerts and other arrangements at Rokken, the student house in Volda. We cross our fingers for a week like this in September or October.
Follow us in Social Media and make sure to bookmark our web page to find our program as it get finalized.
Instagram: Faddervekaivolda
Facebook: Fadderveka
Remember: Your buddy is here to make you feel safe and welcome when you arrive in Volda. Their job is to make sure you know what happens and when. We will do everything in our powers to provide a great start of your semester. Do not hesitate reaching out to us! Look for our light blue or turquise t-shirts. We can’t wait to meet you!
Helena, head of Buddy Week
Meet the Board of Buddy Week 2020
Studying: Social worker
Hi, guys! I am Ane, and I am that happy I decided to study in Volda, that I am actually considering staying on in Sunnmøre when my study days are over. During two years here, I have gotten new friends, new interests, room for spending my energy, and increasingly personal growth. One of my favourite things with Volda, is the possibility for such active days filled with different stuff. When the school day is over, you can be at a mountain top within an hour, before you can go straight to Rokken to sign 15 songs on Karaoke!
Go to all kinds of arrangements! There are so many and different kinds, where you can meet people with the same interests as yourself. Use the nature, learn to love it. In Volda there are so many great view-points. Finally, I reccomend getting a bike or a similar way of getting around. I hope to see you in August!
Studying: Norwegian
My name is Arnaud Duhamel, and I am from Quebec, the French province of Canada. I have been interested in Norway since 2011, when I learned it was one of the world’s best countries to live in. I found Volda, and decided to g o there since VUC offers Norwegian classes for foreign students. And that is one of the things making Volda a valuable place – it makes Volda attractive and internationally known. This little place can attract international students, and make sure talents from all over the world decides to g o to Norway. I did not know where Volda was, and I became really happy when I found out it was in the West, sorrounded by mountains and fjords, and I felt I would get a really Norwegian experience. Volda is also a calm place, and I felt comfortable right away. Even though the town is on the countryside, the public transfer offer is really good.
Og out, meet new people – either by visiting Rokken or by being part of different student organizations. It is easy to meet new people and get to know them in Volda. The student experience is a lot about who you meet, and the student life is really alive here. Something for everyone. So make the most of it!
Studying: Music
Hi! My name is Lars Olav Mauset, I am from Surnadal and I am responsible for the arrangements of Buddy Week. I came to Volda in 2017 to take a Bachelor in music, and I plan to stay on for two more years to study other subjects, as well. For me, the best things about Volda is volunteer work at Rokken, and being part of the technical group there. It has given me such joy to be part of that workplace! Yes, there is long days, but to see the result at the end is always great. And to see the guests having a good time always brings a smile to my face. To work at Rokken is not only «work-work», it also makes it possible to meet other students working there, which gives even more pleasure to the work days.
Become a Rokken volunteer! That is one of the smartest moves to meet new people. Otherwise, explore the city and area around Volda.
Studying: English literature
I am taking a Bachelor in English literature, which is my greatest passion. My dream is to work as a book editor. I am a smalltown girl, not used to big crowds, so Volda is the perfect place for me – making it easier to become more comfortable being sorrounded by more people. The size is perfect, and suits people like me perfectly. Volda is safe, it is nice, and at the same time you meet people from all over the world – from Oslo to South Korea. It can be easy to disappear in the crowd sometimes, but I feel it is important to be yourself and stand your ground no matter what. People in Volda are openminded and chill, just the way I like it!
Do not be afraid to reach out to other students and to take part in the extended student environment – not just be with the people in your class. Volda has great atmosphere and a place for all. Do volunteer work! I have been a door woman and security guard at Rokken. It gives you a great possibility to make friends for life!
Studying: PR, communication and media
I am in my second year of the PR, communication and media Bachelor, and I love it! I had never pictured moving to a small town like Volda, but I have never been so sure to have made the right decision before. Coming from a big town like Trondheim, I could not have pictured Volda having so many possibilities for development and learning new things. At the same time, Volda has given me a rich, social community where I have met fantastic people and made new acquaintances. The best part of being in Volda, is that there is always something fun going on, whether it is quiz, karaoke or game night at the student house Rokken, or one of the amazing concerts or festivals Volda can offer us students.
Take part in one or more of the different organizations, giving you the opportunity to make new friends, contacts, learn new stuff and being challenged by your fellow students. This is something I never will regret throwing my self into. In Volda there is room for everyone!