Buddy week 2023: Check out the programme!
The Buddy week 2023 in Volda has many cool events and activities, such as a beach day, several conserts, scavenger hunt and student barbecue. Check out the programme here!

The Buddy week board in Volda 2023 - behind from the left: Dorcas Mukulu, event manager, Sondre Nordstrand Fure, sponsor and financial manager, Eirik Normann Emanuelsen, buddy manager, and Ina Mårstøl Vinjevoll, PR and multimedia manager. In front, from the left: Juliana Endemann, vise leader, and Marthe Sørebø Pedersen, leader of Buddy week 2023.
– For some people, Buddyweek can be a natural part of getting to know new people in a completely new place, says Marte Sørebø Pedersen, the leader of the Buddy week board 2023.
It's finally time for Buddy week in Volda! Students volunteer to be buddies and makes sure that the start of the school year is as safe and good as possible for our new students. The Buddy week includes various events both under the auspices of Buddy week 2023 and Studenthuset Rokken.
Sørebø Pedersen says that she is incredibly happy with the team of students on the board of Buddy week 2023.
– They do everything they can to make Buddy week as good as possible.
Many alcohol-free events
The Buddy week in Volda has many cool events and activities, such as a beach day, several conserts, scavenger hunt and student barbecue.
In addition, many of these events are alcohol-free.
– This year we have chosen to focus on having both alcohol-free events that last throughout the night, and events that allow alcohol. This way everyone will have a place to go to regardless of their relationship with alcohol, Sørebø Pedersen continues.

Photo: Studenthuset Rokken.
This is the Buddy week 2023 programme
PS: Changes in the programme may occur.
Sunday, August 13th
- 5.00 pm: Movie night. Where: Berte Kanutte. Organizer: Amnesty. Alcohol-free: Yes.
Monday, August 14th
- 5.00 pm- 9.00 pm: "The day before the day" - Student barbecue. Where: Berte Kanutte. Organizer: The Welfare group. Alcohol-free: Yes.
Tuesday, August 15th
- 4.00 pm: Scavenger hunt. Where: The Kaarstad Park. Organizer: The Buddy week board. Alcohol-free: No.
- 8.00 pm: Concert with William Gamborg. Where: Studenthuset Rokken. Organizer: Rokken. Alcohol-free: No.
Wednesday, August 16th
- 11.00 am - 3.00 pm: Meet the organizations! Where: Berte Kanutte. Organizer: Student Parliament. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 7.00 pm: Quiz at Rokken. Where: Studenthuset Rokken. Organizer: Rokken. Alcohol-free: No.
- 8.00 pm: Wateraction / barbecuing. Where: The Kaarstad Park. Organizer: The Buddy week board. Alcohol-free: Yes.
Thursday, August 17th
- 8.00 pm: Concert with Kakkmaddafakka. Where: Studenthuset Rokken. Organizer: Rokken. Alcohol-free: No.
Friday, August 18th
- 4.00 pm: Scavenger hunt part 2. Where: The lawn outside Berte Kanutte. Organizer: The Buddy week board. Alcohol-free: No.
- 7.00-10.00 pm: Bonfire with Pangaia. Where: Årneset. Organizer: Pangaia. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 9.00 pm: Concert with Amanda Tenfjord. Where: Studenthuset Rokken. Organizer: Rokken. Alcohol-free: No.
Saturday, August 19th
- 12.00 pm: Beach day. Where: Årneset. Organizer: The Buddy week board. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 7.00 pm: Game night. Where: Berte Kanutte. Organizer: Amnesty. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 10.00 pm: Theme party - Black Light Disco. Where: Studenthuset Rokken. Organizer: The Buddy week board and Rokken. Alcohol-free: No.
Sunday, August 20th
- 12.00 pm: Trip to Runde. Where: Volda central bus station > Runde. Organizer: The Buddy week board. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 12.00 pm: Mountain hike to Melshornet. Where: Berte Kanutte. Organizer: Natura. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 7.00 pm: Service. Where: Volda Church. Organizer: Volda Church. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 8.15 pm: Evening meal. Where: Uppheim. Organizer: Volda Church. Alcohol-free: Yes.
Monday, August 21st
- 3.00 - 7.00 pm: Skating. Where: Møre skate hall. Organizer: The Buddy week board. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 8.30 pm: Stand Up. Where: Berte Kanutte. Organizer: The Buddy week board. Alcohol-free: Yes.
Tuesday, August 22nd
- 11.00 am - 3.00 pm: Organization square. Where: Berte Kanutte. Organizer: Student parliament. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 4.00 pm: Sports day. Where: Idrettsbygget / The sports hall. Organizer: VSI. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 6.00 pm: Meeting about volunteering. Where: Studenthuset Rokken. Organizer: Rokken.
Wednesday, August 23rd
- 10.00 am - 3.00 pm: Information about election. Where: Berte Kanutte. Organizer: Student parliament. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 5.30 pm: Movie at the cinema. Where: Volda Movie Theater. Organizer: Volda Movie Theater. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 8.00 pm: Quiz at Rokken. Where: Studenthuset Rokken. Organizer: Rokken. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 9.00 pm: Movie night. Where: Berte Kanutte. Organizer: The Buddy week board. Alcohol-free: Yes.
Thursday, August 24th
- 4.00 pm - 10.00 pm: Escape room. Where: Aasen Auditorium. Organizer: The Buddy week board. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 8.00 pm: Open mic. Where: Studenthuset Rokken. Organizer: Rokken. Alcohol-free: No.
Friday, August 25th
- 4.00 pm - 10.00 pm: Escape room. Where: Aasen Auditorium. Organizer: The Buddy week board. Alcohol-free: Yes.
- 9.00 pm: Concert with TBA. Where: Studenthuset Rokken. Organizer: Rokken. Alcohol-free: No.
Saturday, August 26th
- 10.pm: Disco - TBA. Where. Studenthuset Rokken. Organizer: Rokken. Alcohol-free: No.