Buddy week in Volda

From the 9th to the 15th of January 2012, STiV (student parliament), in collaboration with Pangaia and the International Office, organized a welcoming week for 39 new Erasmus student. The idea behind the entire event was to offer the new students a warm welcome and a good first impression of their new study place.

Spanish students at Rokken

Planning an entire week of activities was a demanding job. Becky Bakr, responsible for international affairs in the student parliament, Dunia Soriano Celma, international trainee in Pangaia and Iulia Beleuta from the International Office, dedicated many hours to the preparation of the Buddy week spring 2012.

Students were involved in activities every day, from movie night to tours around Volda, parties and meetings with other Norwegian and international students on campus. The majority of the new Erasmus students come from Eastern Europe, with large groups from United Kingdom, Germany and the Baltic countries. Altogether, 54 Erasmus students will have the chance to enjoy an amazing spring semester in Volda.


The commitment was great among VUC (Volda University College) students in the previous years, and it also showed during the spring semester 2012. A total of 39 international and Norwegian students signed up to be buddies. Although by the time the first new students arrived to Volda, not everybody could participate, the active buddies made the first week an unforgettable one. The international students connected fast, but at the same time many of the Norwegian students feel they made international friends.

Welcoming dinner

International office organized a welcoming dinner at Rokken, for the new students and their buddies. Representatives from different student clubs and organizations were invited as well. Before the food was served, for approximately 30 minutes, the various clubs were introduced and a multitude of opportunities of spending free time. The representatives presented brief information about the clubs, activities, possibilities, memberships.  The international office was very pleased with the outcome of the dinner, and many of the new students enrolled in different student organizations.

A taste of Norway

One of the last activities of the week took place on Friday. The buddies prepared one of the first club events of the semester – The Norwegian night!  STiV representatives, together with Pangaia representatives prepared a night filled with music, presentations, good food. From high school graduation traditions, to dancing in bunad (national costume), tasting smoked salmon, brown cheese and svele (Norwegian pancake), to listening to traditional wedding violin marches (thanks to Synneve Langhelle), the two hours of programme were fully enjoyed by the audience.

Buddy week in the future

One of the International Office’s priorities is to create a good social environment for the incoming students. The successful buddy week demonstrated how important is for the newcomers to feel appreciated and welcome, so the International office plans on continuing with similar arrangements in the future.

Text: Becky Bakr 

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