Covid 19 status: Digital exams and digital teaching

Examinations at Volda University College will mainly be digital, and teaching the same until January 2022.

Tekst: Per Straume

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Examinations at Volda University College will mainly be digital, and teaching the same until January 2022.

As of Friday 10 December, all written school exams were converted to digital home exams at Volda University College (VUC). Practical exams can go as planned with enhanced infection control. As of Monday 13 December, all oral exams were, as a starting point, converted into digital exams. The account exam shall have the same exam form as the ordinary exam.

Teaching and practice

All teaching will, as a starting point, be digital until January 2022. There may be exceptions, for example for practical teaching and information about this will be given directly in the subject room in Canvas. Information on how teaching will be in February will come as soon as possible in January.

Internships for students who will have it in January 2022 goes as planned.

Library and canteen

We will reduce the number of seats in the library and canteen to ensure that people can keep their distance and ensure infection-prudent operation in line with national guidelines.

General infection control

The government recommends that we have a minimum distance of 1 meter and that we reduce the number of close contacts. This means that VUC will facilitate a distance of 1 meter in everything we arrange. 

Do not forget the basic rules: Keep your distance, wash your hands often and thoroughly and stay home if you are ill.

The national measures

You can see all the new national initiatives here.

Testing and vaccination

For information on Covid-19 testing and vaccination in Volda, see Volda municipality's website.

If you as a student are wondering about something, get in touch with Studentsørvis.


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