Digital and on-site teaching in Volda from week 4

VUC will start a combination of on-site and digital teaching from week 4. New Covid-19 guidelines recommend a combination of digital and on-site teaching at universities and colleges where the number of students can be kept down and the local infection control can be followed.

Regjeringa har innført strenge tiltak for å hindre koronasmitte. Alle universitet og høgskular har stengt  bygningane sine for både studentar og tilsette fram til 13. april.

Tekst: Line Lauvsnes Oddekalv

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In the new Covid-19 guidelines of January 18th, the Norwegian government recommends a combination of digital and in-person teaching in areas with low infection rates and in classes with relatively few students. As a result, Volda University College will start some on-site classes from week 4, Monday 25th of January.

The VUC Crisis Management Board recommends all students to log on to Canvas for more information on their specific courses. 

The Ministry of Higher education also made it clear that going from home to attend school or internships are considered necessary travels and therefore exceptions from the general rule to avoid travels. 

The Norwegian Government has stated that these guidelines will be carried out for as long as necessary. 

As a main rule, gathering-based teaching (where students travel to Volda for a short period of time) will, as we made clear already in December, be held digitally until the end of February 2021. 

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