Elise Ducarrouge got her Bachelor with Honours thanks to the good grades she obtained at Volda University College.

Elise Ducarrouge actually wanted to study in England or Ireland for her Erasmus exchange, but as there were no free spaces, she decided to take a leap and go for it when Volda University College was offered to her.

She enrolled in English courses at the university college, and discovered that studying in Norway was quite different to France: “I like the friendly treatment between teacher and student here. In France this relationship is much more polite and respectfu04febcd171d1828858086cc8ccd51f2751f46327l”.     

Elise got her Bachelor with Honours thanks to the good grades she obtained at VUC. She explains that her great results had a lot to do with the level of English spoken by most Norwegians: “Although I was afraid of not being at the same level, I could learn very easily from them”.

In Norway it is quite common that the students have to do a lot of work on their own. Elise mentions this way of working as another reason for her success: “We had to work in teams and could always share different points of view and help each other whenever one of us got lost.”

In addition to her academic achievements, Elise also affirms that she had a great time socially. The International Office and Pangaia made her feel like she was part of a big and lovely family, where there would always be someone available for a chat. Both international and Norwegian students contributed to make what she describes as “a cozy and homey environment”. 

The Honours that Elise received will be helpful once she starts applying for jobs, as this diploma confirms her high level of English and will be listed in her professional C.V. For the next three years, however, Elise will be busy doing her Master’s degree in Marketing!

Text: Dunia Soriano Celma and Marthe Osmundsen

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