Even more students want to attend VUC

The number of applicants with Volda University College (VUC) on top of their list are increasing – again. This makes it four years of growth in a row. Both media and teacher studies have great growth. And in one of these areas, Volda are standing out nationally. 


Tekst: Line Lauvsnes Oddekalv

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The number of applicants with Volda University College (VUC) on top of their list are increasing – again. This makes it four years of growth in a row. Both media and teacher studies have great growth. And in one of these areas, Volda are standing out nationally. 

The deadline for applying universities and colleges in Norway were 15th of April, and now the number of applicants and which studies are most popular are official: 1481 people have VUC on top of their list for schools to attend. This is more than seven percent better than last year, it means that VUC have growth in applicants for four years in a row – and it is the highest number of applicants since 2012. 
- We are of course really happy for the great numbers. They are telling us that we are offering relevant classes and that Volda is a great place to study, says Johann Roppen, headmaster at Volda University College. 
He points not only to growth for strategic important areas as media and teacher studies, but highlights green numbers for all departments at the college. 


Standing out nationally

One area where Volda is really standing out against the rest of the universities and colleges in Norway, is the teacher studies. 
Nationally, there is a decline in number of applicants. In Volda, there are growth for both kindergarden teachers and primary school teachers. 
The growth in people applying for the media studies are a national trend, but also here Volda is on the map of the most popular place to study. One of the things the new students can look forward to, is the new media building. It is under construction and should be opening the summer of 2021.


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