International Day 2020: From Volda to all over the World

Experiencing Internationalization: The International Day 2020 included fruitful conversations with exchange students, an interesting presentation from guest speakers, and – most important – the chance of studying abroad.

Tekst: Tone Solhaug

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Experiencing Internationalization: The International Day 2020 included fruitful conversations with exchange students, an interesting presentation from guest speakers, and – most important – the chance of studying abroad. 

By Tabea Schroff and Silas Ketels

It is tradition since 2005 – the International Day at Volda University College. On Wednesday the 12th of February, the event started with an opening ceremony at Berte Kanutte-huset. Supported by the choir of VUC, Paloma Lorenzale Alonso and Kishore Gajendra – two dedicated students from VUC with international background – welcomed students and 19 guests from all over the world.

They handed over the word to Odd Helge Mjellem Tonheim – the vice-rector of the college. He highlighted the importance internationalization has for VUC and encouraged every student to go abroad. Furthermore, he awarded this years student award for internationalization. Voted by the students, the price is been given to the student organization that does the most effort in welcoming exchange students to Volda. This year, the award was given to Natura Volda – the college’s outdoor student organization. Finally, Paloma and Kishore officially opened International Day 2020.

Good advice from foreigners

For the International Day, exchange students in Volda prepared stands for representing their country and providing curious Norwegians with information. They were invited to ask questions and eat typical food from the respective countries. We talked with a lot of “Internationals” about their experiences of studying abroad in Volda. They emphasized the welcoming atmosphere and the smooth organization that was provided by the International Office and Pangaia, the meeting point for international students at VUC. According to the Internationals, the exchange turns out to be beneficial for their studies, their personal development and their English skills. 
Also, Norwegian students that have been abroad and that we talked to do not regret their decision. Fears had to be overcome but, as they reported, having an exchange is a once-in-a-lifetime chance that every student should take. 

International values on stage

During the day, there was a presentation from guest speaker that were invited by VUC. Anoushka Skaar Nordby and Kash King - Norwegians with both a wide international experience background – talked about the documentary series “Hotel Kash King” (NRK). It tells the story of them taking over a hotel from Kash’s grandmother in Rwanda (Africa). 

Both Anoushka and Kash value internationalization and curiosity very high. They told the audience to not be afraid of trying out new things but rather be open-minded as this will offer much more chances than students probably can think of. 

Diverse group of guests

For the International Day, 19 guests from all over the world came to Volda visiting the country and the University College. They took part in conversations with “Internationals” and in the speech of Anoushka and Kash. Ahead of the day, those who came from other media departments had a guided tour through the media rooms at VUC. Many were impressed about the numerous working spaces and the diverse offer of study programs. They emphasized the partnerships between their universities and VUC. These are valuable, fruitful, and should even get expanded. 

Do not miss your chance
After VUC’s canteen provided everyone with an international lunch, the International Day was officially closed by Paloma and Kishore. They got supported by the Punk band “SVART KAFFE”. After another successful and rich International Day at Volda University College, the final phase of applying to a semester abroad has begun. Until the end of February, Norwegian students can still apply at the International Office and take the opportunity of becoming international students themselves. 


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