International Day 2021

Tekst: Arne Humberset

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Wednesday February 10th is the date for International Day 2021 at VUC, this year held as a virtual study abroad fair. This is a golden opportunity for students to learn more about the many possibilities for international exchanges at VUC.

The VUC International Office has agreed with app. 30 of our most popular partner universities abroad to present at the virtual fair. We urge students to take advantage of this opportunity to ask questions directly to representatives from partner universities in Australia, Belgium, New Zealand, Denmark, Ireland, USA, Japan, and many other exciting destinations.

On the website for the International Day 2021 you will find more information about the event and register to get links to online meetings.

The main target group for International Day 2021 is VUC students who can go on exchange in the 2021/2022 academic year. Note that only students from Bachelor- and Master-programmes at VUC are able to apply for exchange. 

Still the event is open to all students and staff who are interested to learn more about our international partnerships or study abroad in general.

Apply for student exchange
The application deadline for student exchange in the autumn semester 2021, is March 1. On our website on Student Exchange you can read up on the application process, student reports from prior exchange students (only in Norwegian) and book a guidance session with the International Office. 

Student exchange and Covid-19
Study and placements abroad has of course been severely limited by the Coronavirus-pandemic and the restrictions brought by this pandemic. It is difficult to predict how the situation is in the autumn of 2021, but for now, the VUC International Office operate under the assumption that student exchange will be possible. However, students must have a “plan B” in case studying abroad is not possible.

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