International day is getting closer!
With only one day left before International Day 2012, preparations are in full swing. International students on campus are ready to present their countries and home institutions at the stands; guests are on their way to Volda and the canteen in Berte Kanutte has been decorated for the special day.
Exciting programme and popular competitions:
On the 15th of February, from 11.15 to 14.30, the canteen in Berte Kanutte will transform into a place for music, presentations, colours, dances and not least, into a fountain of multicultural experiences. With international guests, Samsaya - famous Norwegian artist- and the multitude of talented students who will perform and be ready to answer questions at the stands, International Day 2012 will continue with tradition and offer participants a chance to take part in the student competition.
8000 NOK for the lucky winner:
Like every year, students participating in the competition have the posibility to visit one of Volda's partner insitutions, with a check of 8000 NOK in their pockets. Both Norwegian and international students are welcome to participate, and provided they answer correctly to the questions on the competition flyer. Everyone has an equal chance of winning.
The International Office will have its own stand on the day, and everybody interested in the competition is invited to submit the flyers with the correct answers at the stand.
In addition to answering correctly all the questions on the flyers, students who participated must be present in the canteen, at the time of the draw, to be validated as winner.
Win an iPad2
New this year, International day 2012 sees an unique initiative from the International office take form. Open only to internal VUC students, a second contest will allow students to answer simple questions about where they would like to travel on exchange. All entrants will be entered in a drawing for an IPAD - remember only VUC BA and MA students are eligible to win. Students who have already been abroad should also fill in the flier!
The survey forms can be sumbited in three different locations on campus. Special boxes will be placed in Pangaia, Berte Kanutte building, in Fagbok, Ivar Aasen bulding and at the reception office in Kaarstad. The boxes will be collected on the 15th February, in the morning, and the winner will be announced at 14.20, in the canteen in Berte Kanutte.