Join the Social Autumn!

At Volda University College, we are commited to our students' well-being. We offer a range of services to ensure that everyone has a safe, enjoyable and stress-free time studying - including the Welfare group, which is made up of a number of people who are concerned about your well-being.

Velferdsgruppa ved Høgskulen i Volda

Tekst: Karl August Swanstrøm, Foto: Julie Wiken Krogstadmo

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At Volda University College, we are commited to our students' well-being. We offer a range of services to ensure that everyone has a safe, enjoyable and stress-free time studying - including the Welfare group, which is made up of a number of people who are concerned about your well-being.


As part of Socal Autumn (Sosial Haust), we are hosting Food and Chat (Mat og Prat) every other Tuesday this semester in the BK canteen. The next event will take place on 14. September. Tickets are available for booking at Tikkio on a first-come, first-served basis.


Follow us on social media

You can get to know your peers at Uni better by participating in the group’s social events and activities.

Follow @hivolda on Instagram, and we’ll have a takeover of the Welfare group and the numerous people in it the following weeks. You may also follow us on Facebook to stay up to speed on the activities we organise!


Make a request for event funding

Studentsamskipnaden (the Student Association) and the University College receive funding from Ministry of Education and Research, which is designated for low-cost social services for Volda students. To make the most of the opportunity that this money provides, students are urged to propose events or gatherings that they want to see implemented.  

Within the current Covid-19 infection control standards, students can apply for financial support for events that are open to as many students as feasible. 

The gatherings must be alcohol-free. If you have an idea for an event, but don’t want to plan it yourself - you are welcome to email us the proposal.

You can apply for fundings on your own, or contact us if you have an idea you’d like to share.



The Volda University College Welfare group consists of; among other things,

Studentrådgiver Stian Mork Auberg

Student Adviser

Stian Mork Auberg is the Student Adviser and Eli Anne Løksa’s stand-in.

Throughout your education, you may encounter circumstances that are tough to solve on your own. The Student Advisor is here to assist you. He’ll listen to whatever thoughts you want to air. 

The counselling service is provided free of charge, and the counselor is bound by strict confidentiality. 
You do not need an appointment and can always come knocking on the door - however, it is a good idea to arrange an appointment by phone or email if you want to avoid waiting. 

The Student Adviser is located at Elvegata 24, offices of the Studentsamskipnaden. 

Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 09:00 to 15:30

Phone: +47 99 27 41 88



Study guidance and facilitation

Ingunn Teigen Blindheim assists you if you have reading or writing difficulties, are ill or pregnant. Her job is to find solutions and facilitate you.

The adaption is based on what you may find useful. Your experiences, as well as your documentation, are crucial. If you desire, a meeting with those who are familiar with your study programs can be beneficial. We cannot reduce academic standards, but we can discuss exams, reading, teaching, group collaborations or interns.


You can meet Ingunn in the first office, inside the reception area at The Student Service, ground floor at the Berte Kanutte House.

Her usual office hours are between 09:00 - 14:30 every day.

Phone: +47 70 07 52 90



Lone Ellingvåg Knutsen

Student Humanist

Lone Ellingvåg Knutsen is the Uni College's Student Humanist.
The Student Humanist is someone you can talk to if you’re having a difficult time in life, as well as someone with whom you may discuss ethical and existential questions.

The Student Humanist also seeks to establish social gathering places where students can discuss ethical and existential issues that are relevant to their lives as students.
Because Lone is a humanistic life counsellor employed by the national Human-Ethical Association, the offer is an addition to the current counseling offer between Volda University College / The Student Association.

She is located at the Berte Kanutte House, between the premises of the Student Parliament and the library. 

Make contact to agree on individual chats, which will take place in a separate conversation area. 

Room: BK 155A, Meeting room between the Student Parliament at ground floor in the Berte Kanutte House

Phone: +47 99 29 54 80



Ruth Eva Sollie

Student Priest

Ruth Eva Sollie is the Uni College’s Student Priest. She’s also a priest at the Church of Norway in Ørsta. 

You are welcome to bring your entire life to the Student Priest.
There is space to discuss a wide range of topics, and to hunt for words to express how you feel. Nothing is too complicated or too irrelevant to bring up in a discussion.

Everyone - regardless of faith or attitude on life, is welcome to speak with the Student Priest. She’s bound by confidentiality, and the service is free-of-charge.
Under the auspices of the Church of Norway, the Student Priest service is a supplement to the current counseling service between Volda University College and the local Student Association. 

She can be found at the Berte Kanutte House, located between the premises of the Student Parliament and the library. Make contact to agree on individual chats, which will take place in a separate conversation area.

Phone: +47 98 05 97 51



Nina Sofie Lem Samuelsen

Student Ombudsman

Nina Sofie Lem Samuelsen represents both Volda University College and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences as a combined Student Ombudsman. 

The Student Ombudsman is a neutral third party who advises you as a student on your rights in regard to your studies at Volda University College.

The Student Ombudsman is available to all VUC students. 

She will inform you of your rights as a student, provide information on how to proceed with your case, and guarantee that your matter is correctly handled. The Ombudsman can also act as a neutral third party in meetings between students and employees*, as well as providing courses and training to Student Union representatives - and giving lectures on student rights. 

* Negotiation takes place only in exceptional circumstances, and both the student and the employee must consent. 

Phone: +47 45 84 71 50

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