NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education) has this autumn reviewed the plans for the new Teacher Education Programmes grades 1-7 and grades 5-10 at Volda University College, and concludes with accreditation of both programmes. “This confirms the high quality of our teacher education, and recognizes its long traditions” Rector Johann Roppen says.
Starting in the autumn of 2017, teacher education in Norway will become a five-year integrated master's degree program. University colleges which cannot accredit their own Master’s degree programmes, such as Volda University College, need NOKUT accreditation in order to offer these study programmes. The decision from NOKUT therefore ensures that VUC will be able to offer teacher education programmes in the future.
Rector Johann Roppen understands the response from NOKUT as a definitive yes. “Our competent faculty members have put in very good work on the application for accreditation. We are among the first three institutions in the country to receive this mark of quality” he says.
The Faculty of Humanities and Education (AHL) has worked intensively through the autumn to plan for the new teacher education and to adapt to the new regulations set out by the Ministry of Education. So much so that the positive response from NOKUT triggered a spontaneous cake party at the Faculty!
Celebrating with cake. From left Oddvar Aalde by AHL, Rector Johann Roppen, Vice Dean Anne Øie and Dean Arne Myklebust.
“It is a happy, relieved and grateful Dean who welcomes you all to this celebration”, said a deeply moved Dean Arne Myklebust. He gave a heart-felt ‘thank you’ to all faculty and staff involved in the accreditation process for the new five-year Teacher Education at VUC.