New working committee in the Student Parliament - they will work for this
The new working committee in the Student Parliament that has recently been elected will make it even better to be a student in Volda. Bring with you what they want to help and work with.

Frå venstre: Ammy Bolme, Andrine Kompen, Trond Fredrik Hagemann Hoddevik, Severine Riise Eidem, Leander Prag Sømme
The new working committee in the Student Parliament that has recently been elected will make it even better to be a student in Volda. Bring with you what they want to help and work with.
The Student Parliament elected a new Working Committee (AU) at its last meeting this spring. In addition to the camp that was re-elected, all of them were new and have undergone training throughout May. There is now a committed AU that is ready to represent the student voice at Volda University College.
Get to know the members better under here:
Trond Fredrik Hagemann Hoddevik – leader
Leads, coordinates and prioritizes the work tasks in AU, and represents the students. Participates in meetings both internally with the rectorate, society, etc. and externally with the Norwegian Student Organization and Student Council UH-nett Vest on behalf of the Student Parliament.
Leander Prag Sømme – deputy manager and subject manager
Relieves the leader if needed and attends meetings similar to leader. Otherwise, the job is focused on ensuring the best possible study quality and that students find themselves at ease in their studies. Representatives on the study program are also followed up in a general meeting arranged by the subject supervisor.
Andrine Kompen – welfare officer
Ensure that the student community is active and inclusive for all, and that the welfare offer is the best as advice. Special focus on student organizations and festivals at the university college, with good cooperation in the Welfare Group.
Ammy Bolme – internationally responsible
Ensures that the university college is super good at including international students. Provide them with meeting places and events where they and Norwegian students can get to know each other across backgrounds, locally and nationally through SAIH - the Students 'and Academics' International Aid Fund.
Severine Riise Eidem - information manager
The responsibility lies in visualizing and communicating to students about the Student Parliament's and other partners' work and activities. It could be through websites and social media. Feel free to follow the Student Parliament on Facebook and Instagram.
AU looks forward to working with the daily operation of the Student Parliament and ensuring an active student democracy, preparing and following up issues and working for the best for all students. They are always open to receive suggestions on cases - you will find them in their office on the ground floor of the Berte Kanutte house!