Nominate your candidate for the Student Award 2022

Do you know a student who has made an extra effort this year to improve the quality of studies? Maybe more students who in teams have been involved extra hard in a student organization or who have taken an extra involvement in your class to gather socially during the pandemic?

Studentprisen Høgskulen i Volda

Tekst: Per Straume

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Do you know a student who has made an extra effort this year to improve the quality of studies? Maybe more students who in teams have been involved extra hard in a student organization or who have taken an extra involvement in your class to gather socially during the pandemic?

If the answer was yes to at least one of these questions, then the Student Parliament, the Studentsamskipnaden Volda and Volda University College want you to take the time to nominate the student or students.

Many engaged

The student award is an extra attention directed at those who have made an extra effort to improve the students' situation. Whether it is voluntary activities that one has been involved in or started up, study quality, profiling of Volda or study environment. The prize can go to an individual student or to a group student.

Tenant for the Student Parliament Trond Fredrik Hoddevik thinks there should be many good candidates.

– The pandemic has made the nomination for the student award easier now than before. Many have been involved in a difficult period precisely to improve student welfare both on and off campus. Therefore, I hope many see the opportunity now to shed a light on these wonderful students and nominate them for this generous award.

Nominate here

The deadline for nominations is Sunday 12th of June. After that, a jury consisting of the mentioned organizations will review the nominations and announce the winner at the start of studies on 16th of August.

Here is the nomination form.

Hoddevik concludes: – I wish everyone close and a good nomination.

Student prize
The student prize will be awarded during the opening of the academic year 16th of August 2022.


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