Pangaia - more than a place to be

Tekst: , Foto: Jose Eduardo Garcia Aldama

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What is Pangaia? That depends on who you are asking. For many NIS-students, Pangaia is the place where you always go after you’re done at school, or when you have a break. 

Text by Sonia Gonzálvez Juan

– Pangaia means people getting together and having fun, says international student Justyna Jendretzka. 

But it is so much more. The organization opened its doors in the beginning of 2006. Its biggest aim, according to Iulia Beleuta, head officer of the International office, is to create a meeting point.

It offers a place to take a break, to socialize, but also to connect with other people, both internationals and locals.

Iulia Beleuta

That’s why you can find Pangaia at Berte Kanutte building, on the ground floor. The cozy and friendly environment makes you feel like home, and students enjoy spending time there, talking, playing guitar and working. But Pangaia is more than just a physical place. As part of the International office, and with cooperation from the Student Parliament, they arrange events and social activities which are open for everyone, such as Christmas and Easter workshops, glacier trips, cultural events and much more. And it's for free! 


The best thing that ever happened to me

– I ended up working in Pangaia by accident, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me here, says Jose Garcia.

Garcia is from Cuba, and he came to VUC six years ago as an animation exchange student. After that, he decided to continue his studies, starting on a new bachelor degree here. While he was in the last year of his degree, Pangaia was experiencing big changes, both internal and external. A position to work there became available, but Garcia didn’t think too much about it, until someone suggested him to apply for the job. 

– I’ve always been participating in all of Pangaia's activities. When I was not in classes, I was always in Pangaia, so it was kind of by accident that I ended up working there. But it's the best place to work in Volda. You’re surrounded by the student environment, which is really nice, and at the same time, you’re arranging events and making things happen.

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