In-person teaching from 19th of April

Tekst: Line Lauvsnes Oddekalv , Foto: FHI

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Following the Norwegian Government's announcement to ease the newly enforced Corona measures, on-campus teaching will again be allowed from Monday 19th of April. Volda University College (VUC) will now return to the level of infection control measures as they were before the Easter holiday.

The government has decided to ease the restrictions that were launched ahead of the Easter holidays. Now the measures are back to the level we had before the strengthened restrictions. This allows for on-campus teaching from Monday 19th of April and an opening of campus for students and staff at VUC. 

Groups of 50 students

- We will follow the government's advice and offer on-campus teaching at least once per week for classes with up to 50 students, as long as it can be held in line with the infection control measures, says VUC Director Karen Lomeland Jacobsen.

Apart from returning to on-campus teaching, going back to the infection control measures from March does not bring about major changes for students and staff from what has previously been communicated: - Block-based teaching  will remain digital throughout the semester as previously announced and written school examinations will be held digitally, says Lomeland Jacobsen.

She encourages students to check their course-specific Canvas rooms for detailed information related to their studies.

Follow national and local infection control measure

VUC will continue to recommend home office to employees who are able to perform their duties from home. The national recommendation to avoid unnecessary domestic travel is upheld, but commuting to/from campus is considered necessary travel.

- Furthermore, the general advice stays the same: Wash your hands and stay home if you are not feeling well. Stay up to date on local and national infection control measures. And take care of yourself and others, encourages Lomeland Jacobsen.


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